Washington County Commissioners adopted a resolution today (Tuesday) to coordinate with TxDOT regarding several needed bridge replacement projects.

Washington County Engineer Wesley
Stolz meets with county commissioners
on Tuesday to discuss bridge
replacement projects on Tigerpoint Road
and Caney Creek Road, along with a
culvert replacement on Gilmore Road.

The county will work with TxDOT through an advance funding agreement, where federal and state funding will cover replacing the Tigerpoint Road bridge over Jackson Creek and the Caney Creek Road bridge over Caney Creek. 

Normally, the two projects – estimated at $1.56 million – would require a 10 percent match from the county, coming out to $156,000.  However, instead of paying the remainder, County Engineer Wesley Stolz said the county will put that cost toward a separate project in the county focused on drainage through an equivalent match program.  In this case, the county will handle replacing a culvert on Gilmore Road at the Wolf Creek Tributary.

Stolz said the bridge replacements are needed because parts of their substructure have fallen into poor condition.  Meanwhile, the Gilmore Road culvert project will alleviate a sheer drop-off and heavily eroded flow line.

The resolution will now go to TxDOT for formal approval before coming back to the county for signature.  While there is not a firm timetable at the moment, Stolz said that previous experience would entail a timeframe of roughly two to three years, if all goes well.

Commissioner Kirk Hanath said Gilmore Road is in need of widening, and this project will add an extra level of passage in situations with large trucks and passenger cars.  County Judge John Durrenberger called the partnership with TxDOT “a win-win for the taxpayer, for sure.”

Also at today’s meeting, the court:

  • Approved a subdivision variance request for a land division fronting Hauptstrasse Street and Independence Street, consisting of 3.13 acres in Precinct 4.
  • Approved renewal of the county’s investment policy with no changes.
  • Discussed a formal notice from AT&T Communications Inc. for a new service line installation along the county right-of-way of Old Independence Road, Ike Lane and Miss Lucy Lane in Precincts 1 and 3.  No action was needed.
  • Discussed a formal notice from Magnolia Oil & Gas Operating LLC for a pipeline bore across the county right-of-way of Sandtown Road in Precinct 4.  No action was necessary.
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