Friday 03-07-2025

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Wanted: old stereo equipment from the 1970’s-80’s, brands incl. (Pioneer, Marantz, Sony, Kenwood, Sansui, Onkyo, and Yamaha), receivers, amps, turntables, cassette decks, speakers, or entire rack systems – 979-337-2470

For Sale: Suzuki DF25A outboard motor, 25HP, used less than 15 hrs. $4300 – 979-451-9085 TEXT ONLY

For Sale: Ryobi 9” band saw ; Craftsman compound miter saw ; Craftsman 16” scroll saw ; Ridgid compact router 1HP ; Ridgid worm drive circular saw ; (3) nailguns ; DeWalt 4.5” grinder ; Ryobi 18 gau. 18v brad nailer – 979-421-0202

Garage Sale: Sat. 8a-12n 6005 Longhorn Rd. (Chappell Hill) ; gates open at 8a, multi-family, everything indoors – sm. appliances, home décor, camping gear, tools, men’s and women’s clothing, and more

For Sale: Kenmore washer and dryer, older, white, electric, working cond. $25 ea. ; Panasonic microwave, black, used $20 ; 2-drawer file cabinet, wood looking finish, used $10 ; (2) used vacuum cleaners, (1) bagless $10 ea. ; can send pics – 979-836-4721

For Sale: ’48 Ford F-5 truck, good oil, turns over, NO bed ; ’48 Ford-5 truck, 4WD, has bed, engine is stuck, some body work done ; ’35 Ford truck, has all of the hood radiator and chrome on it ; (3) Cedar logs, 8-12’ long, about 12-14” dia. ; (22) pcs. of cast iron cookware, cleaned and seasoned, ready to use (dutch ovens, bean pots, skillets, and wash pots) ; Wanted: 6’ disc plow, 3-pt. – 512-213-8314

For Sale: Miniature Australian Sheppard dog, blue merle, blue eyes, 9 wks. old, on Heartguard and up to date on vaccinations, doggie door potty trained $450 – 281-961-2842

Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 9a-? 701 B Pleasantview St. ; clothes, furniture, TVs, household items


Wanted: folding table, metal frame, plastic top, 6-8’ – 281-733-5585

For Sale: roll of copper tubing, 12’ long, in box $24 ; Coleman 60 qt. cooler, brand new, wheels, handle $50 ; firewood, will cut to your specs $150/truckload or $25-$40/bundle ; Chevy car parts – 16” struts, catalytic convertor ; 5HP Redman water pump, on wheels, stand, 100’ and 25’ hoses ; For FREE: firewood – 832-567-0454 NO TEXTS, SERIOUS CALLS ONLY, LM

For Sale: aluminum 20’ ext. ladder w/ stabilizer, YOU MUST PICK UP $25 – 979-277-4345

For Sale: Magic Chef refrigerator/freezer $325 ; side x side garage fridge $50 ; 6’ landscaping rake, 3-pt. $300 ; For FREE: Samsung refrigerator, has Freon leak, good cond. – 979-203-8484

For Sale: dining room set w/ China cabinet; queen size bedroom set w/ dresser and Chest of drawers ; glassware ; and other items – 979-203-4322

For FREE: Silky mix rooster, black, can meet to deliver – 979-277-4355

For Sale: Ford 3000 tractor $3500 ; 14’ New Holland hay cutter, needs a little work, still cuts $5000 – 979-877-5921

Wanted: MTD garden tiller for parts – 979-525-9275

Wanted: (4) 15” trailer tires ; 18-wheeler tarp to cover trailer, heavy duty ; hens and roosters – 979-551-1826

Wanted: junk cars and trucks, any cond., will pay CASH – 979-251-4585

For Sale: sofa table, 47”x13”x28”, inlayed glass top w/ basket weave underneath, exce. cond. $40 – 979-525-1290

Wanted: Husqvarna or Craftsman riding mower – 979-360-2015

For Sale: Charolais/Brangus cross heifer, weaned, on hay $1100 – 936-510-5724

For Sale: Allen Air sander ; 7’ rear blade, fits 3-pt. tractor – 936-870-5865

For Sale: Massey-Ferguson 230 tractor $5800 ; For FREE: wood windows w/ screens – 979-451-2171

Wanted: old Chevy work truck ; For Sale: (2) tix to Rodeo Houston 3/10 ;’ 14’ trampoline ; travel pet carrier – 979-229-7591

For Sale: ’98 Chevy 2500 ¾ ton truck, single cab, automatic, 2WD, long wheel base – 979-733-7334 NO TEXTS

Garage Sale: 1207 Washington St. CANCELLED

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