Thursday 03-20-2025

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For Sale: ’09 Mohawk Brave 5’ shredder, rotary cutter, deck in great cond. $950 – 713-906-9397

For Sale: (2) AKC Yorkie pups, male and female, 11 wks. old – 979-277-4252 call or text

For Sale: ’15 Sun Tracker Bass Buggy pontoon boat, BB18NX, has Mercury 4-stroke 60HP motor, trailer w/ guide ons, new tires in 2023, Minnkota trolling motor w/ I-pilot, Hummingbird depth/fish finder, Splasher prop, always kept under roof, it’s like a party boat w/ (2) live wells and rod holders $17,000 – 979-251-2124

Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 9a-2p 300 Church St. (Unity Theater) ; costumes, household goods, props, and more, everything priced to sell

Yard Sale: Fri. and Sat. 8a-5p 1207 Washington St. ; lots of misc. glassware, vintage items, Tupperware, Singer and Serger sewing machines, cake decorating items, and much more

For Sale: hutch cabinet, redone, 7’x23”x53”, antique distressed look, very heavy duty and sturdy, polyurethane wood top, white $500 ; (4) Toyo 20” tires, fair cond. $100/all ; can send pics – 979-451-3424 call or text

Garage Sale: Sat. 8a-4p 802 Spencer St. ; dining table, buffet, antique couch, men’s/women’s/kids/plus size clothing, household goods, decorations, and more, all priced to sell


For Sale: Poulan riding mower, 42” cut ; file cabinets ; sm. refrigerator ; standing freezer ; BBQ pit ; (2) push mowers – 979-451-7762

For Sale: Ford 351 modified 400 engine w/ C6 transmission, came out of ’75 Lincoln $200 – 979-277-4147

For FREE: lg. China cabinet, good cond., 70”x43”, glass on sides and door in middle, plus drawers and other doors, missing a sm. piece on bottom, very heavy piece, will need help loading – 979-836-7775

Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 7a-4p 7453 Aperson Rd. ; lots of men’s and women’s clothing, baby items, Christmas items, household items, and more

Wanted: SUV, good cond., clean, runs good, low mileage – 979-525-9348

For Sale: lg. double sink, porcelain ; antique smoking stand ; can send pics ; Wanted: lg. piece of Mesquite wood– 281-733-5585

For Sale: Ingersol Rand Club Car golf cart, older, gas $1200 – 832-301-2993

For Sale: Ford 3000 tractor, diesel, power steering, rear remotes $5500 ; (4) front tractor weights, 125 lbs. ea. $100 ea. – 936-870-5148

For Sale: fresh vegetables - broccoli, turnips, Brussel sprouts, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, green and red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, green onions, red potatoes, shelled Pecans, yard eggs – 979-836-2889

For Sale: Roadmaster 26” bicycle, blue $50 OBO – 979-830-5171 LM

For Sale: 5x5.5 round bales of hay, net wrapped, can help load – 979-830-3587

Yard Sale: Fri. and Sat. 1207 Washington St. ; 33 1/3 records, bag of Beanie Babies, pictures, China, Tupperware, dishes, and more

For Sale: (2) air compressors, (1) working and (1) needs work ; Wanted: older model work truck, good cond. – 979-229-7591

For Sale: goats $100 ea. ; Miniature Zebu cow $700 ; Longhorn cross steer calf $1000 – 936-510-5724

Wanted: sm. dog crate (wire kennel) – 979-661-2224

For Sale: firm wedge pillow, 2x2’, clean, adjustable – 979-277-8845

Wanted: (4) 15” trailer tires ; Honda or Suzuki scooter ; For Sale: yard eggs – 979-551-1826

For Sale: wingback recliner, blue, older ; wheelchair, NO foot brackets ; antique push plow, yard art ; (6) sets of dishes ; (2) rocking chairs, wood, (1) is older w/ springs ; ladies clothing 2x-3x, jeans size 18-26 – 979-451-0253

For Sale: set of overload springs for Chevy/GMC truck ; outdoor 5-ton a/c unit $200 ; (4) 17” tires, fits Honda car – 713-823-6698

For Sale: receiver hitch luggage rack ; receiver hitch for late 80’s Ford truck ; ladies cruiser bicycle ; paper shredder ; Rickenbacker bass amp w/ 15” speaker ; and more – 979-277-2959

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