City of Brenham officials gathered this (Monday) morning to mark a momentous occasion for the Brenham Fire Department, breaking ground at the site of a new fire station.

shovel dirt at the site of what will become the
Brenham Fire Department's second fire station. The
City of Brenham held a groundbreaking ceremony
on Monday for Fire Station No. 2, to be located at
James Nutt Boulevard and Handley Street.
City councilmembers, representatives from the city and Washington County, firefighters and community members celebrated as construction on Brenham Fire Station No. 2 officially gets underway. The station will be located at James Nutt Boulevard and Handley Street and will be approximately 10,000 square feet in size, consisting of three apparatus bays, living quarters for six personnel, an exercise room, training classroom and associated support spaces.
Mayor Atwood Kenjura said as the city’s population has continued to increase, so has the need for additional fire service, so this new station will be crucial.
In June 2023, the city authorized issuing up to $10 million in certificates of obligation to support building the new fire station, as well as to perform in-house street, sidewalk and drainage improvements. The city is engaging with Brown Reynolds and Watford Architects to design the fire station and Collier Construction to build the station.
Fire Chief Mark Donovan said this station demonstrates the city’s commitment to public safety and will allow the fire department to greatly improve its level of service to the community.
Kenjura thanked the Brenham Community Development Corporation for doing a land swap with the city for this property, as the original location for the station was proposed to be next to the Baker Katz shopping center at Highway 290 and Chappell Hill Street.
The estimated timeline for construction is 12 months.
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