Gas prices are continuing their upward trend across the state and the nation.

According to the AAA Texas Weekend Gas Watch, the statewide average for a gallon of regular unleaded fuel sits at $2.56.  That price is eight cents more per gallon than this day last week, and nine cents more than this day last year.

In Brenham, the average is two cents higher at $2.58, with a low of $2.45 and a high of $2.80.

Of the major metropolitan areas in Texas, drivers in Midland are paying the most on average per gallon at $2.74, while drivers in San Antonio are paying the least at $2.43.

Nationally, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded is $2.82, nine cents more per gallon than this day last week, and 12 cents more compared to this time last year.

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  1. I urge everyone to go back and relearn everything about crude oil. What we were taught and was is continuously said is a lie. When Hitler decided he wanted to start invading other countries the biggest obstacle was fueling the campaign. Germany doesnt have oil fields so he put Nazi scientists on creating a synthetic oil, which they did using the Fischer-Tropsch equations. With this they discovered that crude oil is actually a RENEWABLE resource that Earth produces naturally without organic material. When WW2 came to an end, US intelligence confiscated all work and evidence(knowing oil & gas had its influence in American govt by this time you dont need your imagination to figure out why) associated with synthetic oil. All Nazi scientists were given a choice, face charges and possible execution or come and work in the US. As you may know, almost all and their immediate families were given citizenship and the scientist were put to work and buried in projects(like the start of NASA & at US oil refineries) to keep their mouths shut as their talents were exploited for financial gain….so, big oil has tried their best to keep this secret so tbey can continue to profit off of the thought that oil is limited and therefore extremely valuable…think about it, how much oil and gas is wasted every day by everyone doing simple tasks…and the thing no one considers, the average depth of an oil well is over 6,200 ft and the average depth of all dinosaur and plant remains are from the surface to a depth of 50 ft…..

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