The annual Lloyd Saunders Memorial Cook-off is set for the Washington County Expo in Brenham in just under two weeks.
This year’s cook-off will be held next Saturday, October 16th, featuring competitions for chili, beans, chef’s choice, Bloody Marys and margaritas.
Judging will begin in the Bloody Mary division at 11 a.m., followed by chef’s choice at 12:30 p.m., margaritas at 1:30 p.m., beans at 2:30 p.m. and chili at 4 p.m. Cash prizes will be presented to the top contestants.
A free dance will be held after the competitions, and there will also be a cornhole toss and live and silent auctions.
Proceeds from the cook-off benefit the Lloyd Saunders Memorial Scholarship, founded in honor and memory of Lloyd Saunders in 2008. The program provides scholarships to students who have participated in the calf scramble at the Washington County Fair.
Entry forms and more information are available online at http://lloydsaundersmemorialscholarship.com.
What is the entry fee for the cook off?
$20 for each category.