The Burton School Board approved a resolution on Tuesday to hire a new construction manager-agent for the Burton ISD bond project.

The board selected Weaver & Jacobs Constructors, who offices out of Cuero and Corpus Christi.  The firm is being chosen to replace DSA, Inc., who the board terminated its contract with at a meeting on June 3rd.

Interim Superintendent Rob Barnwell said the firm distinguished itself due to its wealth of school construction experience, strong references, enthusiasm and eagerness to start right away.  He said it has “the manpower to handle fixing a situation like ours.”

Barnwell said he contacted several firms about taking on the project, with a few of them showing interest.  He said Weaver & Jacobs “has been easy to communicate with and just stood out overall.”

Weaver & Jacobs President Brant Jacobs and Project Manager Randy Boone were in attendance at Tuesday’s meeting.  They said they appreciate this opportunity and are “ready to hit the ground running”, beginning with a site walkthrough the next day with the job superintendent.  They plan to have a sit-down meeting with the architect on Monday. 

Barnwell said the district still needs to negotiate the contract terms, but feels the company will offer “the best value for the district.”

Also on Tuesday, trustees approved procedures concerning pay applications and change orders related to the construction project.  The item sets the limit at $25,000 for what the superintendent can approve for a change order without having to come before the board for a decision.

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  1. How many project managers did Burton interview before hiring the first one and how did they advertise for the position? Looking at the references for the new one they worked on school projects very close to Burton as well as stadiums. Hope they can now come in and clean up the mess but it is going to cost Burton with more the original bond money. DSA was paid a higher percentage of work than they actually performed, So who approved their pay requests?

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