The Brenham Cub and Cubette Basketball games that were scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) against Montgomery have been postponed. The Cubs were supposed to host Montgomery, while the Cubettes were supposed to go to Montgomery. No word yet on when they will be made up.
The Brenham Cub and Cubette Soccer Teams have postponed their games for tomorrow (Tuesday) night. They are working with College Station to set a new date.
The Burton-Hearne basketball doubleheader for tomorrow (Tuesday) has been postponed. They are working on re-scheduling.
Meanwhile, some are playing today (Monday). Giddings is at Navasota for a Varsity only doubleheader. The girls play at noon, and the boys will play at 1:30pm.
Caldwell will be at Bellville for another Varsity only doubleheader. The girls will play at 1pm, and the boys will play at 2:30pm.
KWHI will continue to update this post throughout the day as more information becomes available. For any coaches that would like to send re-scheduling notices, e-mail
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