The daughter of Brenham Fire Chief Ricky Boeker has spoken out about her father's apparent forced retirement.
(courtesy City of Brenham)
After City Manager James Fisher confirmed the city is discussing early retirement options with Boeker that include eligibility for the city's health insurance and separation pay, Amanda Landry released a statement to KWHI detailing the lead-up to the decision and expressing her disappointment.
In her statement, Landry says the city's choice to move on from Boeker came shortly after Winter Storm Uri, stating Fisher met with Boeker to tell him "his time was up, and he needed to retire early." She says Fisher did not give a specific reason for the decision, other than wanting to "go into a different direction" with leadership. She called what was done "cowardly," adding that Fisher called Boeker during the storm to help his family after their home suffered a busted pipe.
Landry says retirement should be a decision made by the retiree, and believes Boeker did not get the "fairy tale ending" that he deserves after spending over 30 years with the fire department, many of which as a volunteer. She says Boeker's retirement is a milestone that should have been celebrated, but has now become "the complete opposite." She believes Fisher "has broken the spirit that has always fought hard for every born and raised citizen of Brenham and Washington County," but says the public will celebrate Boeker's accomplishments and "stand behind the very man that has touched so many lives in this community."
When speaking with KWHI Wednesday, Fisher did not say whether an official decision had been reached on Boeker's retirement, only saying the city is "in discussions."
Landry's full statement can be read below.
Ricky Boeker’s Story will not end here….
Retirement should always be a milestone for a person that puts in their entire adult life working. It is something that should be a joyous occasion, a milestone, to reflect on all the accomplishments and triumphs obtained during their career. It should also always be a decision made by the future retiree. It is the year that you look forward too, put money aside and plan for and often dream of. The days that you can play a bit more with your grandkids, travel with your spouse, sleep late and start that hobby you always wanted to do but never had the time or pick a hobby back up that you never had time for due to the demands of your schedule. Retirement should never be someone else’s decision when you spend countless years, hours, minutes, and seconds giving your employer 110%. It should never be someone else’s decision when you always do the right thing, try to improve on things you might not be so good at, and always treating your employer with the utmost respect even if sometimes they do not deserve it. That is what a good employee does, right? Well in the case of my father’s story he did not get that fairy tale ending so many people with half his work ethic receive. As his daughter I cannot stomach that this is how his story might end. I was raised by this hardworking man. I know first-hand what he has done, sacrificed, and most likely will continue to do even after this is all said and done to the very group of people that is taking this right of passage, this milestone, away from him. I am pretty sure there is not a person in this community that has met him or asked for help that he did not drop what he was doing to give a hand. His commitment to his community often took priority over myself and as I child I was often sad of the things that he missed, but as I grew into adult hood, I have always been so proud of him. It made me strive as hard as I could to make him proud of me with the accomplishments I would make as I started my career.
So now we move on to what Brenham and Washington County means to this man. He loves this community that surrounded his family with love when he lost his father at the age of 12, helping his mother as a widow with three young boys to raise. He was now the man of the house and has technically been working since then. He did not have the perks of being sent away to a fancy college, but he put in hard work and treated everyone he met with respect. He often worked numerous jobs 7 days a week, always frugal with his money to save to have something for his future bride and family. He met my mom, which in tow came with two young children and boy did we not make it easy for him. He loved us as his own, never having his very own biological children but never in one minute made us feel like he was not there since the day we came home from the hospital. Some might call him a Saint, we often do pick on him about it, but in all honesty, he was my hero then as he still is today. I was there to see him take different career paths, always to improve himself and better off our family. He worked hard to give us everything he could, using extra money to give us things instead of buying things for himself. We never had a worry; we knew he was always there to take care of us. In return what this great community did for him he always wanted to give back which takes us to him joining the Brenham Fire Department.
The fire department gave him the ability to help his community in need and thank the fine citizens for everything they had given him. I knew as a child exactly when 600pm was, the scanner would tone out a test every day. I remember being scared when he left for major events that changed the county, including the salt mine explosion. I also remembered all the meals that were ate cold because a tone would go out, the softball games and choir concerts that were missed because he made sure to be a helping hand for someone in need. I also witnessed the nights he came in with his head hung down as he witnessed a death in an automobile accident seeing things that the strongest of people would never have to witness because of him and his brothers in the fire department. I gained Uncles, that watched over me, sometimes got me out of hot water but I always knew that I could call on if I ever needed anything if my dad was not around. I grew up surrounded by the men and women of the Brenham Fire Department and still consider many of them family because when it is all said and done, they are there for you when you need them never a question asked. As my dad then moved up the ranks within the department to being elected to their Fire Chief, we were so proud of him. He did so much outside of his regular job to help continue the wonderful legacy of this department. The department with so much historical meaning to the City of Brenham and the people that it serves. Then the day came that Brenham was ready to hire their very fist paid Fire Chief and he was so honored when the job was offered to him. He gave up a very successful Insurance Agency that he owned to do what he always wanted to do and what gave him meaning, serve the people of Brenham and Washington County.
I could go on and on with everything that he has accomplished, the boards he sat on, other organizations outside of the Fire Department that he participated in, but honestly this list is long. I am sure there are numerous stories that could be told of what Ricky has done for them and the impact he has made to their organization. He has always been dependable, forgiving, and put in the sweat and tears to make something work and make it work successfully. When he became the first paid fire chief he was up for the challenge and worked many hours to build up a fire department that the City of Brenham would be proud of. As I do not live in Brenham anymore, I do however live not too far away and have the pleasure of often working with other fire departments outside the Brenham area. When I mention that I am from a fire department family and they learn who my dad is, I am then told of what a great and respected man he is and the pleasure they have had meeting him, attending a class with him, and even guidance from. It makes me so proud to hear these stories and see the respect others in his profession see in him and not just us his family. I have also crossed paths with individuals that he helped, sometimes simply holding their hand during a life altering crisis. When you must go through something that changes the course of your life, you always remember the men and women that were there to help you.
This now leads me to what has transpired the last couple of weeks. I was floored and heartbroken to hear what was done to the very person that would die for the very selfish person/people putting this early retirement ultimatum in action. You see, my dad would never do anything to harm his crew and was always looking for ways to make things work even with the resources that were given from the city being very minimal. With the great help of the Volunteer section of the Brenham Fire Department, the countless fundraisers helped save the taxpayers of Brenham Texas more money than you could ever imagine, and that list would be way too long as well. These volunteers along with the help of the paid fire fighters would work on fundraisers on their own time to help defray cost of new equipment, training, and tools that are required to keep them safe as well as the safety of the people in the community. Then I received the call of what happened that Monday morning I was angry, I saw red and was ready to take on anyone that just crushed the spirit of the most honest hardworking man I have ever known. I could not understand how it could even be possible after I saw what he did during the ice storm that shut the city down for a week. The very City Manager that does not think he can be an effective Fire Chief is the very man that he called when he was out of town during this historical event to assist his wife and HIS home due to a busted pipe. My dad got on the road immediately without hesitation to assist his family. A week later then very same City Manager sat him down tell him, his time was up, and he needed to retire early. Not truly giving a valid reason why other than he wanted the leadership to go into a different direction. I am not going to play politics here, but what was done was cowardly and not something I remember Brenham being about. It saddens me to see this course of action play out in other areas as I have discovered and I hate that a town that has so much meaning to all of us, even those of us that our careers took us a different direction, not having that same Brenham home feel when we return.
I am mad and I hate that this is what has become of his retirement, the milestone that he should be celebrating, but now has become the complete opposite. I am mad that he is ready to step away because the man that the city council and mayor decided to renew his contract and even give a raise has broken the spirit that has always fought hard for every born and raised citizen of Brenham and Washington County. Well, we will celebrate his accomplishments and stand behind the very man that has touched so many lives in this community. We will remember this story going forward as we select new or keep current elected officials for this community. I will make sure that my dad’s story does not end this way. I thank you, Dad. For everything you have taught me, the unconditional love, and the spirit to love your community and always have something to stand for. Thank you so much and please know that you have an army and a handful of people will not end this great legacy that you gave your time and love too. Your story will end with pride and determination to make sure the community you love is taken care of, even in your absence. You will always be our Chief.
Ricky needs to run for mayor and then CAN Fisher!!
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure. In this case we obviously already have the blood of a patriot who has sacrificed his life in service to this community. Now I believe all we lack is the blood of the tyrants.
Then Chief Boeker needs to run for city mayor and can Fisher, that would be epic.
The city seems to make a lot of decisions based on myopia and pretzel logic
We will stand by you through this undermine. The good people of Brenham salute you and what you stand for, as community leader and family leader.
Your daughter Amanda has spoken some wonderful and heart rendering words and no one could have done a better job of that than her.
I totally agree that no one wants to be forced to retire when they believe and show in their actions that they are still an asset to their community and family so I hope that there is a change in the attitude by the city government and more gratitude is given to you. You deserve it.
Ricky does not deserve this treatment, he is a great man and has done more for this community than Fisher ever will! If this is allowed to take place whomever gets the to be Chief will not have deserved it and should feel guilty for getting the job!
Thank you, Amanda, for perfectly describing the duties and accomplishments of EVERY fire fighter in the BFD. They are all hardworking, they all make sacrifices in their private lives, they have all touched the lives of members of the community, and they have all been through countless hours of training. But, what you failed to remember, is that having all of the qualities, sacrifices, and accolades that you mentioned, does NOT make some one a good leader. Someone can be a great person and good firefighter, but not a great leader. Leadership brings its own set of challenges, that not everyone is cut out to handle. For the city manager to decide that there needs to be a change in leadership is not a reflection on the type of person Ricky is, it is simply a decision that a change in leadership needs to be made for the betterment of the Brenham Fire Department. These decisions are never easy or simple, and I can only hope that whomever becomes the new chief does an amazing job in the future. Lastly, Thank you, Chief Boeker, for your many years of service. I wish you a happy retirement.
What leadership qualities does he lack? Communication? Integrity? Empathy? Decisiveness? Since you seem to know so much of this and seem to imply with certainty what a poor leader the Brenham Fire Department has been under for over a decade…does poor leadership just get more obvious with age? Please let us all know what leadership qualities that are lacking?? I know exactly what is going on, what initiated this and trust me when I say that it will come out.
Maybe you misread the article, or you yourself fail to fully comprehend the meaning of a true leader. I am sure the Brenham firefighters, as well as neighboring fire departments would be more than glad to write you a letter explaining all the leadership qualities and skills our Fire Chief Boeker has. Either way before I begin I must say many city managers and council members ago felt that our same Fire Chief who is now being forced to retire was skilled enough and appointed Fire Chief due to the many leadership qualities he possesses.
Lets talk about the vision statement the City of Brenham aspires:
•We are committed to providing our employees with a safe and stable work environment. In addition, all employees will be treated with a high level of care and respect and they are expected to share the same with every citizen in our community; and
•Together staff and Council pledge to be open and responsive to the warranted needs of the community and will develop proactive governance that is accessible, efficient, fair, and accountable.”
The way Fisher went about this was not respectful, or showing any level of care at all. The City of Brenham stated together the staff and Council pledge to be open and responsive to the warranted needs of the community lets see if they will listen to this. The community is speaking out through the comments. Boeker will be the one to decide when his time is up and he is ready to retire!
Thank you Ricky Boeker for everything you have done.
Brenham has been home for four generations of my family, I know Ricky, and I believe this is absurd.
People of Brenham need to step up and support our own!!!
Soooooo………what is the real reason for his time being up? I think Fisher owes an explanation to the citizens of Brenham.
Should have got under the house himself digging around the dirt and plumbing, fighting the mobs in the plumbing section at the stores, using his own money which is far more than it should be.
This is such a terrible situation. This man who has served our city so honorably is being treated very badly by a city manager that in my very humble opinion has a horrible record in his time here of failing to listen to the input of citizens, not recognizing the strong loving community we are, and doing things like shoving The Great Garbage Debacle down our throats without so much as caring one moment about what we as citizens thought about it. This city manager does not seem to understand who Brenham is, the values we stand for, and the loyalty we show to hard working caring people who have given many years of service to the city and our people. Even if there was some issue with his job performance, why would he bring public shame to our Fire Chief by handling this situation this way? Why not behave in a graceful confidential manner treating this long serving public servant with respect?
I also must question why a city manager would be using city resources to help in his own personal home during the storm. Did he pay the city back for those services? Are those same service available to us all, or is that just a perk taken by the City Manager. Again, in my opinion, this should be completely investigated and dealt with, it smacks loudly of corruption and an abuse of power. When is City Council going to wise up and fire this guy???? Do we even have a City Council who can think for themselves and represent us or have they simply become completely beholden to the City Manager and forgotten the citizens they are elected to represent? Enough is truly ENOUGH!
This is unbelievable and unacceptable!! This gentleman has given many years in this community. This shows that these so called Big wigs can do as the please and show no respect towards others,.Mr Fisher needs to remember KARMA does not act kindly towards ppl like you.
Mr.Ricky Baker,Thank you for all you have done for this community, you have shown what a decent,honorable, upstanding man is.please go enjoy life with family,friends etc..God Bless you
Very well said Mandy. It is horrible and disheartening that they would treat any employee this way, especially someone who truly has dedicated their life to helping others. A person that doesn’t see their job as just a job!
Old Fisher, the “transplant ” who hops from town to town needs to hop his tail out of Brenham or better yet be fired. Ricky is a Brenham native a friend and a great person. I have known his grandmother, mother and family all my life. Get this creature Fisher the boot or better yet folks organize a protest against it. Its time native Brenham folks take back the town!
The fact that this is yet another employee given the “option” of leaving on their own or being told to leave is nothing new at the City of Brenham. However, trying to force out Ricky, someone who’s volunteer hours rival his paid time, should have the citizens of Brenham up in arms.
Bad thing about it, is he does not have enough years to retire in the TMRS ( Texas Municipal Retirement System) system. You have to have 20 years and he was hired in 2007. So how does that work with asking to retire early?? How about all the others that have been pushed out early or terminated, just because the city didn’t feel they needed the employee any longer? I think all past employees should come together and file a class action against this horrible run city. How about past employees that have been hurt on the job, and cannot return within the city’s 6 month allotted time because of their policies and have been terminated because of that?
What is being done to Ricky Boeker is wrong as hell and the people of Brenham know it. We better start supporting our community fire departments quick!! If Fisher is wanting to take the Fire Dept in a different direction we are in trouble. When the fire broke out a few weeks ago at Stone Hollow apartments it only took a few minutes before Brenham PD and Fire Dept were out there!! Officers and firemen were making sure residents were evacuating the burning building and Ricky Boeker was right there with them. Ricky was right in the midst of the action especially when the flames in the attic were flaring and the wind was picking up. If Fisher wants our fire dept to be lead in another direction all I can say is GOD HELP US!!!
Lets see so Far Under Fischer’s “leadership” we have lost a Police Chief, Paid out over $90,000 in tax payer money to a city employee due to a Racial offense and Now he wants to get ride of a Life long Fire fighter who started out protecting and helping people as a volunteer.. and after all this The city council gives him a raise … Maybe our current council and Fisher need to go.
I’m so very sorry for the trashy and deliberatly hurtful way you were treated. When utmost honesty and professionalism are rewarded by throwing a dedicated servant in the trash while meaning to protect buddies, kin, whatever they may help protect their cushy and often ill-gotten gains. It never fails that the without the appropriate bloodline or unbiased shall be targeted for public destruction by the scared rats who are afraid to be outed.
Hats off to Ricky for his service. Maybe the citizens can take up a collecion and get Fisher a U Haul truck and send him back where he came from. Oh thats right that city would not taka him back . He was run out there too.
I’m glad someone said it. Don’t know how he was hired in the first place, and he just has continued to show what a poor fit he is for this lovely city.
Very well written & heartfelt. It’s a shame that a man of such dedication and integrity is treated in such a way. I feel like I know your Dad even though I have never met him. We need more men and women like him. It’s time that we get people in positions of authority at all levels that are for the people and not their own agenda. I am so sorry that your Dad and your family are having to deal with this. sounds like we need to have your Dad take Fishers’ position. GOD BLESS
All past and present employees need to have an opportunity to be heard when they have been unfairly scrutinized or terminated or tilt to leave. Many that were forced to leave or those that have been scrutinized deserve to be heard by an independent consultant. City elected officials should hire the consultant. This is not an isolated case.
Bravo, Amanda! Thank you for bringing the public’s attention to this matter!!! It they are treating a high profile employee in this manner, how are they treating those lower on the totem pole?
While all municipalities are having to rethink budgets and make changes that are not always popular, it seems to me that Brenham’s city manager is making some decisions that may not be the best for the community. The Fire Dept is the only thing standing between the citizens and utter disaster. If you’ve ever had a fire, thank God the firefighters were there. If you’ve never had a fire, thank God that the firefighters are there 24/7…..ready and willing to risk their lives to save you and your family!!!!!
City of Brenham, it’s time to reign in this City Manager, not reward his actions with a raise!!!!!
Shame on you James fisher asking a man to retire over a busted pipe you should do the same thing we had to do pay a plumber to fix it for what the city pays you you can pay it yourself maybe you should think about early retirement
You may or may not of put my comments on here when fisher was being hired but i said then that his job history of jumping from city to city shows who he is. Hes out for his self and his interests. The cities learn too late and he gets a big severance pay when he leaves each city.
Thank You Ricky for everything you have done for Brenham and the community You are an Outstanding Guy with a Heart as Big as Texas, Too bad the sorry Leadership of Brenham did not see that. Don’t let them get you down You are loved by the people of Brenham and we all know How Great a job you did. We love You Ricky ! Fisher Needs to Go I see now why he didnt last at his last job and was asked to leave.
To his credit, Mr. Fischer has an impressive long list of experience and accomplishments. But he is not immune to stepping into a pile out here in the country. Big City tactics don’t always work.
What a shame to spoil his retirement like this! A man who dedicated his life, often risking it, and then being treated in such a shoddy manner. I live in Washington County, and have been seeing some things that I feel are not done for the good of the City of Brenham. Sounds like you need a new City Manager! Put yourself in the Chief’s place. Give up your job that ends when you are at home, something a firefighter cannot do. A firefighter is always on alert, even when asleep, praying that the alarms won’t sound, calling him to his neighbors’ house fire, or a friend’s car accident. Lost time away from family, given by someone who
also pays for gear and training, when they join the department as a volunteer. So, I salute all volunteer firefighters, as well as other first responders! And I salute you also, Ricky Boeker, and thank you for your service through sacrifice!
This is very sad that our Fire Chief is being forced into retirement! It’s a darn shame that Brenham has turned into the city that it is slowly becoming. Chief Boeker, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. We truly appreciate it! Maybe more city positions need to be looked into as well when voting time comes back around.
Our City Manager leaves a lot to be desired.
James Fisher should be forces to resign right now. He used tax payer workers to fix a broken pipe at his home???? How can people say this is ok???
I work for a fire department. People call us for EVERYTHING. We spent more time turning off water and isolating busted pipes during the freeze than we did running emergency calls. Now I don’t know the specifics of Mr. Fischer’s call for service, but it wouldn’t be unusual for any fire department anywhere to send an apparatus and crew to help a citizen with a busted pipe, city manager or not. The fire department does it all…on the taxpayer’s dollar.
City lost a very good co-worker as a very good Electrician because of the color of his skin. Two years from retirement. Lawsuit settle for 90 thousand. TML Now we are going to cut off a long member of the Brenham Fire Dept as the Chief? Very good employee and very hard working. Has everyones respect: May be time to re blum council
When can we expect to hear from Fisher about this situation?
Please get the Spectator on this ASAP. We need answers! If not the city manager, would the mayor be willing to comment? The mayor has known the fire chief for decades. Hopefully the mayor or at least one city council member will issue a statement on this debate.