Glen West

Brenham Head Football Coach and Athletic Director Glen West is stepping down effective immediately.  Brenham Superintendent Walter Jackson announced Monday afternoon that West is leaving BISD and the search for a new Athletic Director and Head Football Coach has begun.  He thanked Glen and his wife Julie for their 20 years of service to the District.  Jackson said that the West family has made a significant and lasting contribution to the Brenham community.

Taking over as Co-interim Athletic Directors will be Coach Mike Adams and Coach Brett Mouser.  Brenham ISD plans to hold a community forum this Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the Brenham High School lecture rooms to gather input on the profile of the next Brenham ISD Athletic Director.

Application for the position will be accepted through Friday, March 16th and two rounds of interviews are planned in March.  The new Athletic Director is expected to be announce in early April.

Full Press Release from Brenham ISD:

Brenham ISD has opened the position of Athletic Director and Head Football Coach, and will begin the search for an exemplary leader with a proven set of skills to lead the BISD Athletic Department to new heights and greatness.

Brenham ISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Walter Jackson said, “We congratulate and publicly thank Coach Glen West and his wife Julie for 20 wonderful years of selfless service to the Brenham Independent School District. Coach West has led this district with an almost mythological distinction. He has served with a level of integrity that is unparalleled. He is strong man of faith and a trailblazer. Coach West is one of the last greats from a generation of coaches who define the golden-age of high school football. There will never be another Coach Glen West in Texas high school football. We wish Coach West, his wife Julie, and his daughters all the best in the future, and we are proud of the work that he has done here. This West family has made a significant and lasting contribution to the Brenham community.

It is now time to start a new chapter in Cub & Cubette nation athletics. We are tasked with the privilege and burden of finding the right leader and coach for this tremendous job. Brenham athletics is known throughout the state for its premier academic and athletic programs. My responsibility to our district is to protect the legacy that has been built by Coach West and his staff over the years. As superintendent, I must ensure that all of our sports programs thrive and prepare our students to be productive student-athletes and formidable competitors on the field.”

While Brenham ISD works to hire a new Athletic Director and Head Coach to lead our district, Coach Mike Adams, and Coach Brett Mouser have been named to serve as the Co-interim Athletic Directors. Coach Adams and Coach Mouser will report directly to Superintendent Dr. Walter Jackson and Brenham High School Principal Joe Chandler during the transition.

Brenham ISD will hold a community forum on Wednesday, March 7 in the BHS lecture rooms 111-113 at 6:00 p.m. to develop the profile of the next Brenham ISD Athletic Director. Your input matters to us, and we hope to see you at the meeting.

Timeline for hiring a new AD/Head Coach

Monday, March 5, 2018         Position will be posted
Wednesday, March 7, 2018   Community forum to develop AD profile
Friday, March 16, 2018          Deadline for applications to be postmarked
March 19 – 23, 2018               First round of interviews
March 26 – 27, 2018               Second round of interviews
Monday, April 2, 2018             Proposed start date for new Athletic Director


What’s your Reaction?


  1. Glen West comes from a long line of outstanding football coaches. He’s had years of learning from the best; notably Gordon Wood, Morris Southall, and his dad, Kenneth West. Brenham is not only loosing a good coach, but an outstanding man. God speed in the new venture and chapter in your life. All of Texas will now have a great coach!

  2. First of all, thank you Coach West for your time with BHS. You and your staff are leaving a positive legacy for the future.

    We as a community need to quit bashing everything that happens. If administration didn’t have some people in mind for the job, they wouldn’t be doing their jobs. Stop talking about money, how everyone is under paid and be thankful for what we all have and the little slice of heaven we have here. I hope that everyone realizes that every negative comment and rumor that is said does nothing but tear apart this community. We have people in leadership for a reason, so try not questioning everything and have a little faith. Stop being a Monday morning quarterback and thinking you are wiser than whoever had the guts to make a tough decision.

    If we can just keep positive, great things will happen from it and this town will be even better for it.

    1. So Glass Half Full. how is that ” One Brenham Better together” Kool Aid? sounds like you have had a few glasses of the Kool Aid that they want you to drink !

      1. In reply to “Enough of the Old School Politics”….your comment is exactly what is wrong with the world today. There is way to much negativity out there, and personally, I’m sick of it. Unfortunately, the ones who have nothing but negative comments are the most vocal. And those same people thrive on social media, turning it into a feeding frenzy of negative thinkers. Not everyone is a bad person, and not everyone is out to get you. Someone even sent in the comment that we should hire a football coach that can “get us past the playoffs”. LOL…the playoffs are the end of the line. There is nothing “past the playoffs”. Glen West was the most successful Athletic Director and Head Football Coach in Brenham history. Period! You might be able to argue over a few of his decisions, but no one can argue about his success. Go back and look at the record of our athletic teams prior to Glen arriving in Brenham. Anyone who thinks we haven’t been successful over the past 20 years needs to do that.

      2. No I really don’t care for Kool-Aid, more of a iced tea person.

        I have no dog in this fight. I am a citizen of Brenham, who owns a home. I have no kids currently in BISD, but will one day.

        I try my best not to read all of the anger and hate on blogs, but someone needs to show we are not all negative on everything. I just hope you realize that everything you post on here that is nothing does nothing but breed more hate. It makes people stop talking to one another and have hard feelings towards one another. We ARE too “small town” for that and don’t need the division.

        Let’s be positive, work hard and the ball just may bounce your way in life. Sorry “Enough of the Old School Politics,” you ARE the real problem.

    2. Well said!! If we all would focus on the good this part of America – Brenham, Texas – would be a much beter place. No one person walking this earth is perfect – we all make mistakes. Just accept the good – the bad – and the ugly. All three are in all of us, so stop pointing out the bad and ugly in someone else – focus on the good. . If we would all spend time doing and saying the things that promote peace, harmony and unity – life would be so much better for each one of us. I say, “Job well done Coach Glenn West!” “Thank YOU!”
      My prayers are with and for you and your family as you embark upon this new journey in life.

  3. I can say this, you will not find any replacement that can come close to Glen West. He teaches boys how to become men and how to find things in themselves that they never knew they could accomplish. The amount of positive influence this whole coaching staff provides to all of the athletes is short of amazing in all sports. The Cubs are losing one of the best coaches and directors in the programs history. Very sad to see him leave.

  4. Can Brenham ISD just one time complete a task without deceit and lies? Is our new head coach and AD director from The Woodlands. A person that has already been hand picked despite the fact that they want the community to think they have a say so by having all of these forums set up?

    Is Mr. West retiring effective March 4th? Will he be paid his entire salary for the 2017-18 school year even though he will not be on the job? Are all employees treated equally in this regard?

    Good luck BISD employees and parents……..

    1. I have worked with The Woodlands AD/Coach. He is awesome not only cares about football but all sports and especially a strong junior high program where it all begins. He would be great for Brenham athletics.

      1. He may be an excellent coach and AD it’s the deceit on the part of BISD to try to make it appear as though a decision has not been made! Why all the forums and unnecessary meetings if a decision has been made. Shame on the school board, HR department and administration of BISD!! Am I surprised by this…..absolutely NOT!!

        1. How is it that you are so sure this is fact. I had a conversation with someone close to this and its my understanding that this is not the case at all and that the forum is to assist in getting input to aid in the search and that names have been brought up in conversation, as they would be, but that is all that has happened.

        2. I am sure that BISD will address the “rumors” that Mark Schmid has already been hand picked to be the successor at their community meeting. I am also sure that “if” Mark Schmid applies, he would be a leading candiate based upon his resume. That does not mean that he would be the best hire. Is Brenham looking for a long term solution? If so, Mark Schmid may not be the guy. If they are looking for a mid-term (5-8 years), then Mark Schmid MIGHT be the guy.
          Go to the meeting, ask your questions, THEN develop an opinion. My time in Brenham taught me that even though it is a wonderful town and place to live, it is still not exempt from small town gossip……

          1. Unlike most jobs , Brenham is fortunate enough to have an extremely high caliber , successful 6A coach already in their own backyard. Sounds like too many folks are overthinking this. You should feel lucky and blesssed to have not a successful coach but another molder of young men , at your fingertips. Besides , he is use yo wearing green and how can you go wrong with a guy named Schmid in a German town !

  5. Coach West is one of the best coaches in Texas Football History. In 2013 he led us to the State Championship. NOT ONCE BUT THREE TIMES! I AM VERY UPSET. IM IN THE 7TH GRADE AND IT WAS MY DREAM TO HAVE BEEN COACHED BY MR. WEST AND TO WIN STATE.

  6. Sounds like based on the timeline, BISD already has someone in mind….there is no way to do a thorough search for this high powered job, which such visibility in such a short period of time.

    But, none the less, I’d like to see an athletic director who 1) cares about more sports than football 2) institutes a “cut” policy 3) actually enforces drug testing results 4) who builds programs from junior high on up to varsity 5) enforces athletic policies to all sports 6) provides ample funding to girls sports, and 7) some one to clean house with the coaching staff.

    20 plus years without changes in programs (volleyball, track, boys basketball, baseball, golf), regardless of success, is necessary. Time to bring some new ideas and coaches to Brenham.

    It’s time to move past the Glenn West era in ALL sports.

    1. There’s a prime candidate out there that stepped down in January from a 6A perennial powerhouse north of Houston. He drove an hour and a half every to work……………from Brenham.

  7. I hate to see Coach West go, he did a good job and was well regarded. Is there any information on why he is leaving so suddenly, it seems odd to leave in the middle of a semester?

  8. I played for coach west and he ran one of the best off season programs ever. I hate to see him go. He turned the cubs around

  9. My son graduated from Brownwood High School in 1996 where he played golf and watched Coach West. So when he came to Brenham we were excited. I wish him well in his next endeavor and thank him for the time he spent in Brenham and Brownwood.

    1. Good! Maybe the teachers can get a raise with some of the money we will save from his inflated salary!

      1. Coach West’s salary is no bigger and in some instances somewhat lower than the head football/athletic coordinators salaries at the Klein, CyFair and Katy ISD high schools. In addition, as a district AD, he has more responsibilities than those campus coordinators have. So, he is hardly overpaid. As a former longtime Brenham ISD teacher and coach, I can honestly say that ISD’s tend to get what they are willing to pay for. Brenham ISD has a long way to go to make teacher salaries and additional stipends competitive with larger suburban districts. I know that my salary in A Houston area suburban school district is $11K more than in Brenham ISD.

          1. In Katy, CyFair and Klein, campus coordinators/ head football coaches make in the 110K-125K range. I do not know what the Brenham superintendent makes.

            One would think the new AD / football position has a pay range they will work in depending upon the hire.

  10. Brenham ISD will have a difficult time finding/replacing our Atheltic Durectot and head coach. Filling Glen West shoes will be a hard task. Along with his wife, Julie, they both have been such a positive asset to our schools and community.

    Coach West and his wife have been committed to our school district from day one. I remember when they came here 20 years ago, Julie helped design a Cub T shirt because they weren’t available for the public to buy. Now Cub shirts can be bought and proudly worn.
    The West genuinely and deeply cared about our community and schools. They helped promote not only the athletic Dept BUT Washington County. Thanks to them, we have beautiful “Welcome to Washington County” stone entrance signs that their input was used.
    Coach Glen and Julie West are committed to the value of an education, strong family relationships and being disciples of Christ.
    I could go and on listing all the good things that they have done, accomplished and the impact they made on many Washington county citizens.
    Thank you, Glen and Julie. You will be missed.

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