Brenham trustees will meet Monday evening to discuss legislative priorities and hear updates.

The board will hold a legislative priorities discussion, where it will consider items it deems important to the Brenham school district, for the Texas legislature to review.  Board members could potentially submit these recommendations to legislators for consideration.

According to administrative assistant Debbie Gaskamp, the board submitted a similar list of recommendations to state legislators about two years ago.

Trustees will also review a series of reports and updates.  They will hear receive the annual bilingual and ESL evaluation, over the past school year.

They will also hear a report from the social and emotional counselor, and recognize the next recipient of the “You Make a Difference” award.

In addition, they will hear updates from the Department of Communications and Special Projects, and a construction and renovation update, before adjourning into executive session to discuss personnel matters.

The board will meet Monday evening at 6 p.m., in Krause Elementary School, located at 2201 East Stone Street in Brenham.

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