Officials at Prairie View A&M University have received approval to launch a race and justice center.

Prairie View A&M President Ruth J. Simmons
(courtesy Prairie View A&M)

The Texas A&M Board of Regents on Thursday approved the plan to construct the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice, named after Prairie View A&M’s president.

According to Simmons, the center will “encourage teaching and scholarship that contributes positively to overturning systemic biases” that she says hurt people of color and deny them their rights.

Political science and African-American studies professor Melanye Price was appointed by Simmons in June to lead the center.

The center will offer a required course on the history of race and class in America for all students entering Prairie View as well as undergraduate research opportunities. Prairie View officials plan to host lectures and other events through the center and work with outside organizations on implementing best practices for their work environments.

The center will phase into operation starting with some socially distant programming in spring 2021 with plans to be fully operational by the fall.

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  1. What a wonderful way to spend tax payer money. Double down on indentity politics. Double down on race and class politics, Marx would be so proud.
    Fortunately 72 million Americans exist that could care less about the color of skin, believe in the human race along with self reliance and will tell you to your face that hard work and the nuclear family are NOT the products of a made up idea of “white privilege” but the ideals originating from the 4000 plus years ago in the Middle East.

    I should go observe this class just to inform the outside world of the indoctrination. Our own BISD needs some observation too.

    1. We have a group that is already “observing” BISD! We are glad to see that a Race and Justice Center at PV that has NOTHING to do with you BOTHERS you so much. That is EXACTLY why we need one; will support one and are very elated that one will soon be a reality. Thank you.

      1. Out of curiosity, what group is “observing” BISD? And why are they doing so? Are they given access to our kids? If this is true, shouldn’t the parents and taxpayers, which I am both, be updated on this? The lack of transparency from BISD, if this is true is concerning. More information on this group needs to be given to the parents and taxpayers. I am going to contact the school district and get more information.

        1. It would defeat our purpose if you had information on the group(s). All you NEED to know is that BISD is observed daily by concerned (citizens). It is a taxpayer right!

      2. As you say “redemptive education for the masses”, and from the article, “required” class. All of this makes it the business of every citizen of this country to know what absurdity is being fed to young and impressionable minds concerning the 300 year old social construct of race and 150 year old class dividing communism. This class is dead before it gets started. It’s preaching the ideals of long dead fools that had perverted dreams of division, chaos, corruption and the destruction of the human soul.
        Thanks for the feedback and the all caps W.P.. Stuff like this usually does not get posted as a rebuttal by the way, for reasons unknown. Just so you know, you are likely only seeing a small fraction of unfavorable comments directed at you. This is despite your own abrasiveness.

      3. Could you be more specific and explain what the name of the group is that is observing at Brenham ISD? This is concerning as a parent. I have had no information sent home regarding groups watching the interactions of students for racial bias issues. If anyone can shed some light on what group this is, I’d appreciate it. Private school is looking better and better. BISD should have told parents first!

    2. Why is this course”required?” What does this have to do with a student getting a back ground in the medical industry? In engineering? Business? So many other things this “Center” could teach besides a History of Race. Obviously this school has poor leadership.

  2. Awesome! It’s been a long time coming; but, CHANGE IS ON THE HORIZON. This Race and Justice Center will be a dynamic asset to our community and will offer redemptive education for the masses. Way to go PV!

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