Officials with ERCOT, the operators of the state electrical grid, are refusing to say when they expect operations to return to normal.

Over three-million Texas customers remain without power, as the state's electric grid operator struggles to bring back online plants crippled by an unusual winter storm.

Tuesday afternoon, Bill Magness, CEO of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, said that with the weather moderating even a little bit, they hope to see an additional restoration of service" as more generators come online and power demand declines.

However, he declined to give a prediction of when service might be fully restored.

Tuesday evening Gov. Greg Abbott was laying blame with the grid operator, calling it “…a total failure by ERCOT.”  Abbott added, “These are specialists, and government has to rely upon on these specialists to be able to deliver in these types of situations."

The Public Utility Commission of Texas introduced an order that would adjust energy prices. The order said, "Energy prices should reflect scarcity of the supply."

The order also stated that ERCOT should correct any past prices to reflect the current shortage of energy.

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  1. So.much for all of those “wires charges” we pay every month. We should all get our money back from day one.

  2. They won’t say because they aren’t sure, and we won’t like the answer. This is not caused by the failure of wind turbines, AOC Green Deal ( never implemented) . The state failed to oversee the ERCOT management of the grid. In late November, the national weather service issued notifications to all US grid operations in the lower 48 about an anomaly in the polar vortex possible causing harsh and prolonged winter weather for the south. But, ERCOT had already done what they do every year, sell more of their purchased natural gas to northern states because Texas high demand is in the summer. And they removed generators off line for service. But the vortex anomaly was unusually strong due to man’s contribution to climate change with fossil fuel usage. But, some people don’t pay science much kind these days because it doesn’t suit their ambitions. We must prepare for the effects of climate change now.

    1. Yeah sure…..Give up EVERYTHING made from oil and gas if that’s how you feel. You won’t and neither will your “green” Gods so you’re hypocrites. My natural gas fireplace has ran just fine and my gas powered generator has kept us with power. Nothing with wind or solar is helping at all. This unusual winter event happened in the 80’s when all you environmental crazies were saying it was “cooling”!! Climate changes all the time……

    2. So I guess the “polar vortex “ that occurred in 1895 was caused by man’s use of evil fossil fuels too. Greenie weenie garbage.

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