Brenham Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chair Bill Betts (right) listens to Public Works Director Dane Rau as he discusses improvement plans at the Blue Bell Aquatic Center.

The Brenham Parks and Recreation Advisory Board went over planned upgrades at the Blue Bell Aquatic Center at its meeting today (Wednesday).

Board members discussed the design and plan for the modified second phase at the aquatic center.  Discussion mainly centered on improvements to parking, including more access points and additional ADA space.

Public Works Director Dane Rau said the logistics of the parking lot upgrades are still being worked out.



The board is asking for $250,000 from the Brenham Community Development Corporation (BCDC) in the 2021-22 Fiscal Year to complete the parking lot upgrades.  The BCDC will consider the funding requests of the board at its own board meeting next month.  Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chair Bill Betts, who also serves on the BCDC board, said he feels there is a “pretty high sense of hope” that the upgrades will move forward.

Also at today’s meeting, the board heard suggestions on possible updates and upgrades to the skate park at Fireman’s Park.  Albert Buchanan, who is facing Leah Cook in the At-Large Position 6 Brenham City Council election, presented ideas for how the skate park could be improved, alongside his son, Aaron, and other frequent users of the park.

Buchanan said park usage has grown to the point of it becoming overloaded, and suggested adding a pump track and a bowl.  He and some of the skateboarders in attendance also said there are maintenance and safety concerns that should be addressed, such as wear on some of the ramps and equipment.  One skater suggested creating skate clubs or organizations to teach the basics of skateboarding, while others proposed that skateboarders be required to wear helmets.

Board members also heard an update on the status of Phase 1(a) of the Brenham Family Park, located south of Highway 290 off South Chappell Hill Street on land donated by Ed and Evelyn Kruse.  Community Services Specialist Crystal Locke said the city anticipates bidding the first phase of the project out for construction in September and beginning construction in November, with a timeline of 18-24 months to completion.  Rau said the city is also considering the purchase of private land next to the proposed site of the park to build a Pickleball complex.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Enough is enough, why are we spending a quarter of a million dollars on a pet projects? The city already has a high tax rate, always wanting to build parks, upgrade downtown. I think Brenham is run by a bunch of Liberals, we will be broke like Houston before long.

    1. Why do we have so many managers and boards? Brenham Parks and Rec, BCDC, City Manager, Assistant City Manager? And they come up with a glorified “splash pad” and now want half a million for a parking lot and Pickleball Complex. Which they will ask for another half a million for. As far a the skate park I don’t let my children go there because of kids smoking pot and parents using it for a hangout while they work. Same as the Blue Bell pool. They drop them off early in the morning and pick up after 5:00. We have a beautiful library but only moms that don’t work or have a grandparent can attend the events. Brenham are you tired of paying theses outrageous salaries to these Managers that come up with this stuff? An I’m not talking about Dane either. The rest of the bunch need to go. People that don’t want to keep Brenham in debt or pay off there friends like the trash sham.

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