Four people were sentenced this week in 21st District Court in Washington County.

32-year-old Malinda Grace Garrett of Brenham was sentenced to three years in prison for Bail Jumping/Fail to Appear, a second degree felony from November 12, 2020.  Garrett was also convicted on a charge of Possession of a Controlled Substance, and was given time served in the Washington County Jail on that charge.

59-year-old Oscar Allan Zientek of Brenham received six years’ probation and was ordered to pay a $1,500 fine for Driving While Intoxicated 3rd or More, a third degree felony from August 24, 2019.  Zientek was also ordered to pay $100 to the EMS Trauma Fund, a $60 lab fee and $50 crime stoppers fee.  He will also have to undergo drug/alcohol evaluation and treatment, take part in a DWI education program, and spend 10 days in the Washington County Jail as a condition of probation.

20-year-old Brett Anthony Gober of Brenham was sentenced to five years’ deferred adjudication probation for Burglary of a Building, a state jail felony from February 8, 2020.  Gober will also have to pay $695 in restitution, a $500 fine and $50 crime stoppers fee.  In addition, he must perform 200 hours of community service and undergo drug/alcohol evaluation and treatment.

29-year-old Jessica Reeves of Somerville was sentenced to two years’ deferred adjudication probation for Possession of a Controlled Substance, a state jail felony from July 26, 2018.  Reeves was also ordered to pay a $500 fine and $180 in restitution, and will need to perform 150 hours of community service and undergo drug/alcohol evaluation and treatment.

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  1. How can someone with 3 or more DWI’s get off with 6 months probation and such a small fine??? And yet he still is free to run the roads drinking like nothing has happened????? So when will the prosecutors step up and do the job they were elected to do? Let me guess he needs to take a innocent person life or worse yet a young child before they do something? It just floors me.

    1. I feel the same! THREE DWI’s and he’s still walking around free as a bird to keep on doing it?!?!?! I agree and I certainly hope it’s not true but if this man goes out and kills someone’s parent or child, there will be no one to blame but the one that keeps turning him loose in Washington County to do it all over again.

    2. Because it’s exceptible in Washington county. Washington county has the second highest alcohol consumption per capita in the state.

    3. Also it doesn’t say if he lost his license or had it revoked! That’s a better question as I saw him driving in town today! I guess it will take someone being killed for the local courts to punish him correctly! Shame on our court system!

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