The Brenham Main Street Board will discuss adding two members to the Historic Preservation Board, when they meet Tuesday afternoon.
The members of the board are set to discuss the process to select two downtown historic overlay property owners to serve on the Historic Preservation Board.
The board is made up of seven voting members, and four out of seven must own property downtown. City council approved the Historic Preservation Ordinance Aug. 19 with an added amendment that property owners get to vote for two members to serve on the board.
During their regular session, the board will consider the design committee recommendation to approve incentive grant reimbursement for an awning at the 30 North Gastropub for $1,329.
The board will also discuss making a recommendation to city council to construct a crosswalk at the intersection of Main and Austin Streets.
During their work session, the board will discuss the St. Charles Station Project; an organization committee to plan for a volunteer appreciation event on Oct. 16; an update on the Yellow Truck Market; and, discuss the economic vitality committee report to include: Yellow Truck Market; future food truck park; Historic Preservation Ordinance; buildings sold and updates; and the Imagine the Possibilities Tour.
The Main Street Board will meet Tuesday at 4 p.m. in conference room 2A at Brenham City Hall.