Citizens gathered in downtown Brenham this (Saturday) morning for a march for women’s rights.

Around 40 local and area residents, many with signs in tow, walked around the courthouse square to protest Texas’ new abortion law that prohibits abortions after the detection of a fetal heartbeat, usually around the sixth week of pregnancy.

Tammy Johnson, who organized this morning’s march after creating an online group, said this march was about protecting the reproductive rights of women around the state and around the nation.



Johnson encouraged anyone who disagrees with the new law to make themselves heard.



The march in Brenham coincided with over 700 marches happening throughout the United States, with the primary march taking place in Washington, D.C.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. It is so refreshing to see some sense of human decency in this town! Women standing up for the rights of other women. I now wish I would have joined you ladies out there!! I was scared to go, knowing how this town loves to “Lynch” people on social media and verbally lash them in public for having an “opposing” view when it goes against the red thought process. I was fearful if I went, it would affect my job and possibly my children’s lives at school. This town has a funny way of hiding the threat of “if you aren’t with us, we will covertly destroy you for being against us”.

    Makes me feel a little more confident in speaking out more openly about basic human rights (like the woman’s right to choose).

  2. Use Birth Control! Both of you! Abortion is NOT your birth control. The pharmacy is filled with young girls waiting every morning to get the morning after pill. Grow up.

  3. And how many of you will be in line to adopt these children who are unwanted and experiencing neglect? Think about it!

    1. What about children who were carried to term, who are currently experiencing neglect and abuse? Or women living with domestic violence? People in sickness and/or poverty? Should we end their lives as well to prevent further suffering? If life inside the womb, where it should be most protected, has no value, then no life has value.

    2. I think you should direct your frustration towards those who are creating unwanted babies and not taking responsibility to raise the life they created. Your frustration should be directed towards those who don’t take responsibility for their own actions and not those who seek to protect innocent life. It’s amazing how hateful the left is towards those who speak up for the innocent. They try to twist the conversation with “what abouts”. There is no denying that abortion stops a beating heart. That is murder…plain and simple.

    3. Many do. Unfortunately our system there is badly broken.

      Why don’t pro-choice help those working to get those issues fixed too, so it’s less of a need for abortion?

  4. This wouldnt be an issue if the supreme court had not exceeded irs authority. This comes under a 10 amendment, states rights issue. If texas cirizens want to exact this measure then people who dont agree can travel to another state to get an abortion or dont have the same values then they can move ro another state. That was the genius of our constitution but the USSCOTUS thought the knew better

  5. “Vasectomies prevent abortions” is so true! Why do we all talk about castration or vastectomies for rapists? If someone wants an abortion that is a product of rape or incest, doesn’t it make sense that the person who committed the crime be treated in the same respect?

  6. It’s not health care if someone in the situation always dies.
    It’s not a choice because I would imagine that the child would choose to die.
    If this is about woman’s rights, what about all the girls aborted? They would be women also. So much for empowerment.
    It’s murder. Period.

    To address the rape and incest debacle, rape and incest only make up about 1-2% of actual abortions. 97% are for convenience.

  7. To every conservative who “says” they are PROLIFE, I say major hypocrisy. Because if you vote conservative, you vote for the death penalty. You either respect human life or you don’t. I am liberal and I am PROLIFE. I also support my countries constitution and its laws because I live here, so I support pro choice. I know my countries constitution is based on freedom, which means it is not ruled by any religious beliefs. This is a founding fathers principle. If I want my religious beliefs to be in my countries government, then I would move to a country with religious doctrine. Like Iraq or Afghanistan.

    1. What I hear you saying is you support the killing of innocent babies but not the killing of convicted murderers. Is that about correct?

      1. There is literally nothing convenient about an abortion in any right. The fact that you say that shows how exactly uninformed and poorly educated on the subject you are!!!

      2. No. I am pro life. But I am an American citizen who supports the constitution of my country and its laws. This includes the 2nd amendment. Our constitution dictates the rights of the individual to have autonomy over our own bodies. Like choosing not to wear a mask. You have the rights to do what you wish with your body. There is no picking and choosing about what laws we are to respect. Your either all in, or you are not. Religious doctrines are not considered in our constitution as they are separate.

    2. Curious….Did the person on death row have a choice to live or die? I would say yes! They chose to commit the crime that got them on death row. Does the baby have a choice? I would say no! I believe in the right to choose, but I do not agree with using abortion as birth control and not at almost birthing time!

    3. No no no. That comment was not meant for you, fellow pro-choice person.

      It wasn’t meant for everyone else who thinks that a zygote, a fertilized egg, is equal to a viable fetus. You all do realize if the tables were turned, if the government was telling everyone able male they had to get a vasectomy or be sued for $10k, everyone of you would be protesting in the streets screaming “My body, my choice”.

      This isn’t about “kIlLiNg BaBiEs”. This about the right to control what a woman does with her body and the government taking that control and then putting a bounty on people who support that right. This about having the same energy for a woman’s right to choose as we all have seen many of you in town scream “My body, my choice” over masks mandates and vaccines.

      All these comments tell me is you are for body autonomy till it involves a woman’s reproductive rights; then the old white men (and some old white women) in power need to have that control because an overly translated and misconstrued book tells us it is bad!

  8. I’m more than a little surprised at these responses. While I certainly am not for whole scale abortions, apparently our State leaders(?) neglected to account for cases of incest or rape! I’m curious to know how many would feel the same way had THEY been the victim of rape?

    1. You have until there is a heartbeat. If you are raped you should probably go make sure you’re not pregnant before the heartbeat is detected.

      1. That is 2 weeks after conception. The due date and fetal age is based of your last period. Not many women have strong signs that early in pregnancies. Plus, if you have irregular cycles it can be very difficult to calculate dates. Not many women wake up one day and say, “Well, I’m pregnant today.”

  9. Reading these many responses. I’m curious how many are from women? This law has no allowance for rape or incest! Apparently our State leaders are incapable of grasping these ramifications! I’m curious how these women would feel had THEY been raped??

    1. Common sense would dictate those who have been victims or rape/incest go to a hospital when it occurs.

      Let’s be honest: abortion could be up to 39 weeks and then be banned and pro-abortion would complain.

      1. Hey there! Common sense would ACTUALLY dictate that in cases of rape or incest, many women can’t make it to the hospital. Very bold to assume that women can make it to the hospital if it’s their parent/guardian/spouse who has raped them. A lot of these women are minors. It’s common sense that abused women are being restricted by their abusers.

        1. Hi there… here’s ACTUAL reality.

          Yes, they can. Called 911 or get a friend to help.

          Cell phones are the rage and even iWatch can be used.

          Schools watch for family issues – yes even as broken down as some are.

          It’s EXTREMELY BOLD to make presumptions that but all rape/incest can’t go get help.

          It’s common sense that pro-choice assumes all women in those issues are unable to think or find ways to stop it.

          It’s also bold to assume most abortions are these.

          They make up at most 12 percent on average of all abortions.

          The supposed exemption can be fixed easily.

          Again: let’s be REALLY honest: abortion could be legal up to literally say before birth (literally can survive outside woman) and pro-choice would scream it’s unfair.

  10. I notice the sign that states “Woman’s rights are human rights”. Woman have the right and the means to NOT get pregnant with the exception of rape or incest. What about the rights of the human in the womb that they are electing to kill? Science (remember to follow the science) shows clearly that humans in the womb feel pain, will move to protect themselves, and are formed very early. Where are the rights of the millions of unborn humans who these people think it is ok to kill just because they are still growing in the womb. Surely there is a word for killing another living human being? Surely that is a a crime if that person were outside the womb? Why is it not a crime if the living human is in the womb? This human rights argument they are making simply an excuse for inexcusable behavior. It is time that we stop allowing other human beings to be killed simply because they have not yet exited the womb.

    1. While I agree with your point of view, you specifically state ” with the exception of rape or incest”! This new law has NO such provision! Shameful that it ever passed as is! Apparently our State leaders are incapable of thinking of the many ramifications of such a statute.

      1. If you play with fire you will get burned .Man are women should have the responsibility of their actions.A fetus is a man or woman/ human with no choice.Who are the adults here ?.Rape is a different story.Rape and muder is are a very serious crime with death penalty. We all need Christ in our lives.

  11. You rock Ladies! This does my heart good to know that not everyone in this State is nuts! I’m disgusted when I read of support for our governor who fostered this insanity! And disgusted when I hear Ted Cruz say “your body, your choice” when talking about vaccines. This in a State where they won’t force your daughter to wear a mask, but they will force her to have a baby!!

    1. Thank you! Please click on the blue typed words above to join our Facebook group if you’d like. We need more supporters like you. And don’t forget to choose your candidate and VOTE!

  12. Abortion is not birth control. If you want to kill what God almighty has blessed you with then by all means have at it. Just don’t do it in Texas. You are the one that has to meet your maker. Kinda ironic that all the people that are for Abortions are alive fighting for the right to kill a human. A heart beat constitutes life.

    1. The one women’s t-shirt states the “elephant” in the womb. The womb is not for a political discourse. The womb “resident” is human. They are separate human beings, with their own dna and with rights such as all Americans.

      1. The womb “resident” is basically a parasite that must depend on the mother as a host to survive until it reaches the point of viability, at approximately 20 weeks. It was not always so, but great strides in medicine and health care can now support a baby born at that approximate gestational age. My question to you is, if the womb resident deserves rights as an American, do we not all deserve the right of freedom of speech? Have you supported any of these children after they are born? How many have you adopted and brought into your home? Do we let these babies go home with drug-addicted mothers? Do you pay the hospital bills for the drug-addicted baby that stays in the NICU for months just to survive what its unfit mother did to it? Do you call up CPS and sign up to care for it once it goes into the foster system? Where do we draw the line on quality of life? How will this child succeed if it has no one to support its growth and learning? And the psychological damage that will always be there when this child is old enough to understand that it was not wanted by its own mother. There are so many other factors to consider if you want to make it all about a ‘right for life’ for every child conceived.

        1. So now we just choose who we believe has sufficient quality of life and we let them live but not the others?

          Who gets to set the standard for what qualifies as a decent quality of life? Should someone else choose if your “quality of life” is up to par to continue living?

        2. Oh, so now you think of a child as a parasite. I pray you do not have any children since to you they are parasites. You & your group need help and quick.

    2. This country cannot provide for all the poor, homeless, orphaned, unwanted, etc people alive now. Who is going to care for all the unwanted children born from this ban on women’s rights? Females are forced to have relations with males who won’t use birth control or are unable to buy birth control themselves. How about educating females and providing free birth control? That would lessen the need for abortions. Where has common sense gone?

    3. If you want to get down to it, a heartbeat is not the absolute sign of “life.” Ever heard of brain death as a determination to remove someone from life support?

      So when does that fetus have thoughts and is able to live on it’s own? Age of viability is 22-24 weeks.

      1. Now now momma mia, don’t go getting all “sCiEnTiFiC” on some of these people here.

        They do not like it when peer reviewed, published, provable and well documented medical science goes against their religious thoughts.

  13. Same group probably wants us all to mask up and get vaccinated. Protect the living from one another but let’s kill a few before they get here.

    1. Actually sir, no. This was strictly about women’s rights to control their own bodies. I am vaccinated and I encourage everyone I can to get vaccinated to protect themselves and others. However, I do believe in choice on the mask debate. Do you have any other questions for this group leader?

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