Sometimes you just have to tune out all of the noise and focus on the most important things.  That’s the advice I would give to the members of the Brenham City Council right now.  While the recent drag show in downtown has been drawing everyone’s attention, there are much, much bigger and more important issues facing the City. 

The lawsuit with the City’s gas supplier during the “big freeze” of ’21 is still unresolved.  Although I’ve heard rumors of a settlement, the lawsuit filed by the former Brenham Airport operator is still hanging out there.  And then there’s the mess that was made with FEMA over the repairs at the City’s water intake system at Lake Somerville.  Just those three issues alone are consuming millions of our tax dollars, and who knows when they will be concluded.  But there’s another problem that is even larger.  The City’s water treatment plant is close to being at its maximum capacity, and there’s no room to expand it at the present site.  As fast as new homes are being built inside the city limits, it’s imperative that a solution be found, and soon.  The cost of a second plant to treat the water we get from Lake Somerville is exorbitantly high.  A better and less expensive option is developing a groundwater source by drilling water wells.  That’s because ground water requires very little treatment…basically just some chlorine…to be safe for drinking.  Drilling water wells would also give the City a second source of water in case anything ever happened to the supply from the lake.  Water is the key to continued development for the City.

So Council members, don’t be distracted by the noise of other issues like people complaining about the recent drag show.  A show that you legally could do nothing about under present law.  I know you want to listen to everyone’s concerns and opinions about it, but you have much bigger decisions to make about issues you can actually address.  And for those members of the public who are still insisting the City take some action, I implore you to take your message to the State Legislature, where there are bills being considered to address drag shows.  No matter your stance on the issue, the Brenham City Council is not the group to lobby until there is a law in place.  As you can see, their focus should be on issues they can actually do something about.  They’ve got quite a few on their plate.

And that’s the way it looks to this Spectator.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Yes, these ongoing important issues should be addressed by the City Council. However, the beliefs and convictions of the concerned citizens were rightfully heard and covered in the media. Washington County’s roots go deeply into moral and biblical faith which helped build this wonderful community and shaped it into a wholesome attraction and desirable destination to live and visit. Do we really want to lose that? I appreciate those citizens who took the time and effort to peacefully present their views.

    It’s good advice to deal with issues on which one can make meaningful progress. That includes contacting our legislators with our views.
    I believe a mayoral candidate would need to be a resident of the city not just a business owner, though.

  2. You sir have correctly pointed out just a few of the reasons why we need a change of leadership in Brenham. The question on everyone’s mind should be: Why are we reacting to this issue now when we should have already planned for it years ago? As we grow, I foresee many more challenges like it on the horizon and we need to make sure we don’t continue on the same path. The right leadership with the right solutions is what Brenham needs for the future.

  3. The city council is just using up the tax payers money as fast as they get it. It’s crazy, they use more and more revenue each month and don’t seem to care about the big issues at hand. Vote wisely next election.

  4. I agree with the Spectator… well written. Great comments. Please focus on bigger issues.

  5. Thank you Spectator for your accurate assessment on the functions of proper city government. Their primary job is to focus on the practical needs of serving all citizens. Choosing to spend too much time on pleasing citizens who are distracted by emotional issues which have no bearing on meaningful problems is a waste of time. This seems to be a problem on too many levels of government these days. Tax dollars must be spent on providing the best in basic needs, not downtown real estate for entertainment, or endless attorney fees. Anyone who can afford it buys all drinking water or has RO systems, the low income homes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes use tap water. Providing safe, drinking water is a life necessity.

  6. I have mentioned it before but i will again, MR. Whitehead needs to be mayor for he is the only one with any common sense. Thanks for what you do.

    1. Donald I agree with you. He’s a wise fair minded man that knows what we need. He would get my vote.

  7. I totally agree with the spectator. Drag has been around for eternities and I assure you that it is not “catching”. There were plenty of “womenless weddings” done at church socials and none of us were damaged by such. Please concentrate on matters much more important.

    Another spectator

  8. Could not be said better. And add this to the list: The City is considering spending 70,000 of your and my tax dollars on a study for strategy and design of 600 acres that is privately owned according to Saturdays paper. About 20 paragraphs were devoted to the City’s grand ideas for this private property while only one sentence mentioned the private landowner. A future buyer will decide what to do with it. Go regulate something that does not cost 70,000 dollars like the height of the letters on a sign. You say you have already none that? Well, direct your mischief toward something less expensive. “That government governs best which governs least”—-Thomas Jefferson

  9. Good comments…don’t “drag” things out. Don’t wait like other towns have done until it’s an emergency and then look to the state or National governments to fix the problems. I’m not aware of the best process for developing more water resources but staying ahead of the game is vital.

    And don’t keep approving more development until you have a long range master plan. Thanks Spectator!!

    1. The state school had a great water well on site. It needed upgrades to the GST and all the main power and control power in the building and BP needed to be upgraded too. Now the city of Brenham provides all the water for the state school now.

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