Kyle Kacal

Texas House District 12 Congressman Kyle Kacal announced on Monday that he will not seek another term of office after all.

The decision comes after previously announcing back in September that he was going to seek another term of office.

Kacal represents House District 12, which covers Washington, Grimes, Madison, Robertson, and Walker counties, along with a portion of Brazos County.

Kacal was first elected to office in November 2012.

This past legislative session, Kacal served as Vice-Chairman of the House Corrections Committee, and also served on the Natural Resources Committee.

In addition to serving in the Texas Legislature, Kacal also owns a large-scale cattle business and a full-service hunting operation in Brazos County.

In a statement, Kacal praised the accomplishments that he and the other representatives have made in the Texas House over the last several years, but that it was time to return home to tend to his family and his business.

He also said that he was ready to pass the torch to “someone else who will help write the next chapter of our great Texas story.”

District 18 State Senator Lois Kolkhorst issued her own statement following Kacal’s announcement, thanking him for his years of public service and wishing him well in retirement.  Kolkhorst said, “As a senior member and longtime rural advocate, he leaves behind a wealth of experience.”

Kacal’s seat will be on the ballot for the November 2024 election.  On Monday, Huntsville businessman Trey Wharton announced he has filed for candidacy and will appear on the Republican ballot in the March 2024 primary.  As of Monday, Wharton is the only candidate for the position.   

What’s your Reaction?


  1. The best news Washington County could get!!! We need someone in office who will support OUR county and not special interests.
    Look at his voting record if you have any questions.

  2. Disappointing. Rep. Kacal defended our teachers when the vultures were circling. We must elect someone who will protect public education from the segregationist voucher scam many are trying to perpetuate.

  3. Well that’s a big blow to the teachers union. The Texas House needs a good cleaning top to bottom.

    1. There is no teachers union in Texas. If there was, teachers would probably be compensated fairly.

    1. Yes, good for him for doing so. It might be one of the few things he did right.
      Ken Paxton is a problem, along with our current Governor, they should both quit as well.

    2. I am not a liberal, in fact, I tend to be very conservative, however, I would have voted to indict Paxton! If you take politics out of the argument and focus on the facts, the case for the indictment/impeachment made sense.

    3. Yes! That was awesome! Ken Paxton is everything that is wrong with crooked politics, and deserved to be indicted. He only got off the hook because the rest of the government is just as crooked as he is!

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