Residents in the Chappell Hill and Meyersville Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) service areas will be able to vote this spring on establishing an emergency services district.

Washington County Commissioners voted 3-2 today (Tuesday) to call an election for the ESD, which will now appear on the May 3rd ballot for those living in the Chappell Hill and Meyersville fire districts.

The ESD is proposed to levy an ad valorem tax of up to $0.10 per $100 valuation on those residents, not counting people living in the City of Brenham’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.  

Commissioners Kirk Hanath and Candice Bullock voted against the item. 

The split vote came after a public hearing where over 10 citizens shared comments.  A majority of those expressed support for the proposed ESD, including Travis Cook, who said fire departments have long struggled with dilapidated equipment and that they, along with the communities they serve, deserve better.

One of two residents who spoke against the proposal, Victor Murski, said an ESD would create opportunities for wrongful or wasteful spending and called another tax “ridiculous”, given the current struggles with inflation.

Chappell Hill VFD captain and president Dustin Brown said the comment he has heard most during this process, both from commissioners and the public, is “We’re better together than we are separate.”  He said the fire departments are indeed better together when it comes to serving the citizens, but for funding, the departments would not be here making this request if they were financially stronger together.  He said the Chappell and Meyersville departments hope to start a trend for other departments in the county to follow.

Washington Volunteer Fire Department Chief Chris Casada said he supports the Chappell Hill and Meyersville VFDs in this effort, stating that the existing model is not sustainable for volunteers and leaves the community vulnerable.

Commissioner Hanath acknowledged that there are ways county government can improve to better fund volunteer fire departments, but said there are other avenues beyond an ESD.

Commissioner Dustin Majewski made the motion to call the election, saying this country was founded on providing elections and giving the people the right to vote, and that the residents of that area of the county should be able to make this decision.  His motion was seconded by Commissioner Misti Hartstack Corn, who said while no one wants another tax, everyone deserves the right to go to the ballot box and voice their opinion.  After Commissioner Hanath and Commissioner Bullock voted against, County Judge John Durrenberger served as the tiebreaker vote in favor. 

Commissioner Bullock explained that her vote is not because she does not believe in the ESD altogether, but she feels this is “premature” at this time, since the county only recently began receiving full operating budget breakdowns for each of the volunteer fire departments to see what their needs are and determine if more funding can be given.  She also said she would like to see that if a prospective ESD was implemented, it would be for the whole county rather than several individual ESDs.  Further, she pointed to a county assistance district – which still requires voter approval but would use sales taxes instead of property taxes – as a possible alternative to an ESD.

February 14th is the last day for an election to be ordered for a measure on the May 3rd ballot.  The last day to register to vote is Thursday, April 3rd.  Early voting opens on Tuesday, April 22nd and runs through Tuesday, April 29th

In other business, commissioners:

  • Approved going out for bids for the EMS District 6 satellite response station at Lake Somerville.  Bids will be due and opened on February 6th at 10 a.m., and will be accepted at a later date.
  • Appointed Dr. John Griggs to the Washington County Historical Commission.
  • Received the Office of Emergency Management’s quarterly report.
  • Enrolled in Texas Association of Counties cybersecurity training for the 2025 reporting year.
  • Approved bond renewals for reserve deputy sheriffs Justin Knuppel, Ruben Fuentes and William Scott Atwood.
What’s your Reaction?


  1. Well, like I said, disinformation or misinformation. No new taxes, you said that the commissioners have funded the FD’s for over fifty years. While that statement is not false, it’s very misleading. Until 2018, the county gave the TEN county FD’s approximately $100K TOTAL annually to split and that was only to pay for fuel and their insurance. In 2018 the county began the current “funding” which total approximately $330K annually for the TEN county FD’s to split. That is not nearly enough to sustain the FD’s and is barely enough to keep the lights on. If it continues the volunteer fire departments in this county will cease to exist in ten years or less. Now, you mentioned how the commissioners court just approved EMS station #6 and that somehow that proved they are willing to work with “emergency services”. The last time I checked, EMS in this county has a $9.23 MILLION dollar annual budget. Lot of difference between $330K and $9.23M. Definitely not working equally in my opinion. And in case you were wondering just for example, our neighbors in Austin county only have a $1.9M annual EMS budget. This is what the FD’s are up against and this is why an ESD is needed. Lastly, you’re not wrong, most of the FD’s have made good progress in the last few years with the VERY LIMITED “funding” so just imagine where they could be with proper, adequate, reliable funding. The kind of funding that an ESD provides, that is only for the FD’s and can’t be taken from them because EMS decides they need a space shuttle, or a battleship or something. Like I’ve said, please go do your own research or talk to people who know the facts. Google what other FD’s annual budgets are, and look up how expensive firefighting equipment is. You will see the need for proper funding. And look up our county budget, you might be surprised.

  2. no new taxes- no esd

    Washington County taxpayers are already paying taxes for emergency services- if this esd passes this is double taxation for the residents in the esd district.

    I realize the need for more funding but there is a better way than the esd which if voted in will never go away- a tax debt you will be passing on to your kids and grandkids and 10 cents per 100. adds up quickly.
    A $500,000. property valuation is a additional $500.00 on you annual taxes.
    Washington County has helped fund county volunteer fire departments for over 50 years. Now we are going to get slammed with more taxes that will continue to increase as property valuations continue to skyrocket.

    Washington County commissioners court approves funding for EMS COMMUNICATIONS, SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT,

    EMS just got approved to do out for bids on a satellite station# 6 by lake Somerville.
    This proves to me that our County leaders are working with emergency services.

    Commissioners court has to be accountable to constituents/ taxpayers.
    Any agency requesting taxpayer funds need to show the need, budget responsibly, plan ahead, and work with our County leaders which have been looking into better ways for additional funds for Fire Services.
    Our county fire service has been making huge progress in the service they provide with limited funds.
    I realize the need for increasing funding and am sure there is a better way than this premature esd effort which will benefit only 2 of our 11 County fire Departments

    County taxpayers need to be aware of the tax burden if this esd vote passes

    Get informed – vote no to the esd in the May 2025 election.

  3. Wow, where to begin. The amount of misinformation, disinformation, and fear mongering regarding the ESD is astounding. ESD’s are NOT something new just because we don’t have one in our county. In fact, three of our neighboring counties (Austin, Brazos, and Waller) all use ESD’s to fund their FD’s. There are hundreds of ESD’s across the state that do an excellent job of providing consistent, reliable and adequate funding to their FD’s, something this county has not ever done. Yes, it is a new tax, and myself along with the vast majority of people don’t want anymore taxes, however. This is probably the only tax you can pay that you know exactly where the money is going. The money can only be spent on the FD’s to make them better, to better serve the community. Also the commissioners get to appoint the ESD board members from the area the ESD operates in, so if you’re concerned about how the money will be spent please volunteer to be a board member. Another thing to touch on is a commitment someone made about the other 8 departments in the county. I can assure you ALL the county departments have discussed an ESD and the rest of them are using this as a measure as to, if and when they might try for one. I would challenge everyone who reads this, before you jump into the comments section, to contact these departments and ask questions or do your own research. And then last but not least go to the polls and exercise your right as Americans and vote yes or no for the ESD. Which brings me to my last point. It should be most concerning to everyone that two of the commissioners voted no yesterday just to allow it to be put on the ballot. A yes vote would not have meant that they agreed with an ESD or thought one was needed, only that it be put on the ballot for the people to decide. On the other hand, a NO vote basically says that they don’t trust you, the voter, to make your own decision. I don’t live in either of their precincts, nor do I live in the proposed ESD binderies and therefore will not be voting on it, but if I lived in either of the two commissioners precincts that voted no, I would have been calling them asking why they think I’m not educated enough or well enough informed to make my own decisions because that’s essentially what a no vote by them meant. Hopefully their constituents remember that at election time.

  4. Just get prepared, things are going to change. These newly elected commissioners believe in raising taxes. Hardly been in office and already can’t say “no.”

  5. If an ESD is such a good idea then why haven’t the remaining 8 fire departments gotten on board, makes me wonder. It is my understanding that approximately 70 current and retired firefighters from big cities now reside in Washington Count some of these firefighters are members of these fire departments which I’m glad to see, however they are used to having the best of firefighting trucks and equipment and our little county just can’t afford it. I don’t know the number of departments or the area size each covers in other counties but 10 departments seems a bit high for us, why can’t some of these departments consolidate and combine resources. I live in one of these ESD zones and l am on a fixed income and have things that need to be repaired or replaced but I can’t because every time I get close to having enough money the long arm of the tax man comes knocking. Two of the three yes votes don’t live in the proposed ESD thus no tax increase for them while taking $ 60,000 a year each from tax paying citizens. Vote NO to this ESD there are other options

    1. If you can’t afford to live in Washington County then go somewhere else. This “little county” deserves adequate first responders. These bigger depts you speak of are not successful because they have the nicest most expensive equipment. They are successful because they have updated not outdated equipment, they have training, and they have somewhere there daily checking that equipment and making sure it is ready for service. The numbers of volunteers have dwindled to nothing and if you think fundraisers are enough to adequately fund the fire depts now then you’ve proven your ignorance. Maybe if you and every other resident would give a couple of hundred dollars a year in donation to the depts then maybe they wouldn’t be forcing your hand with taxes. Let me ask you “concerned” when is the last time you donated time or money to the dept that risks their own money, time, and life for you??

    2. The other options presented from the commissioners would increase everyone’s taxes more than is being proposed now. With the commissioners options, the funds are not guaranteed to the fire departments. They can be used in other areas and entities, leaving the fire departments in the same position they are currently in.

      If this goes thru for these two departments, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the other departments in the county follow. I do not want to pay anymore in taxes either but if you reach out to one of these departments and get the facts about what is being proposed with the ESD, it would be the smallest tax you would be paying compared to the others. There are also several exemptions including AG.

    3. This hold thing on this vote was a con game set up by the court.
      Very disappointed with my commissioner in precinct 1.
      Personally I will not vote for any taxation.

  6. Did the residents of Washington County get to vote on having the helicopter ?
    The one sitting on the pad out on 105 ? Seems that money could buy a lot of firefighting equipment.

    1. If you notice, anything EMS related gets run through so fast it’ll make your head spin. Our county leaders are horrible. They do nothing pro active. We have all this growth going on but they have not developed any programs to protect existing land/home owners. Most anyone can come in, through up whatever they want and there are no standards to control any of that. But by golly we have a huge expensive EMS program.

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