The Brenham School Board will be holding its regular meeting on Wednesday this week instead of the usual Tuesday due to the weather.

The Board meets on Wednesday at 6pm at the Brenham High School.

Special recognitions at the meeting include the Brenham Cub Football Team, the Campus Spotlight, and the All-State Band students.

The firm of Patillo, Brown, and Hill are scheduled to present their 2023-2024 District Financial Audit to board members for their approval.

Consent agenda items include ordering a Board of Trustees election for May 3 for Positions 5, 6, and 7, which are held by Tommie Sullivan, Natalie Lange, and Jared Krenek respectively, as well as a joint election agreement with the City of Brenham and Blinn College for the election.

Action items include the approval of budget amendments, a discussion of the 2025-2026 district instructional calendar, and a potential amendment to the District of Innovation Plan.

The meeting closes with an executive session to evaluate Superintendent Clay Gillentine, and discuss his contract, compensation, and benefits. The board is also scheduled to do a self-evaluation.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. All very good points. If you aren’t ticked off enough already, go read this year’s TAPR report. Teachers here are below the state average in salary, but admin are ABOVE the state average. Student performance is still trending downward, but hey, we made it to football regional playoffs this year [sarc].

    1. Go Teachers!
      BISD should be for and about the teachers 1st!
      BISD has seemed to have lost site of that fact.
      A clearer picture of why they need more senior admin positions and less teachers would be helpful.
      When terms like streamlining and downsizing are supposed to
      make the staff proud to be a Cub something is wrong.

      1. In my humble opinion, BISD has never been about the teachers 1st. We have a years-long history of the central office continually growing with large salary useless positions while teacher pay and classroom resources suffer. I have watched principals departing promptly at 4:00 p.m. while many classrooms were lit up deep into the evening with teachers trying to catch up on the ever-increasing administrative burden that is placed on them. Our multi-million-dollar schools are not being properly maintained and yet they cry for many additional millions to build more. I just do not understand where the school board is in all this, somebody needs to try to make BISD great again!

    2. I agree that Brenahm ISD is very backwards! I sure hope the Board reads these comments as well as central office admin to see how disgusted the teachers and taxpayers are and how they aren’t valued. Brenham will be losing many high quality teachers because the administrators care more about their pockets. At least Tylor Chaplin was visible in the schools and at least showed or acted like he cared about his employees on the front lines. Give Brenham teachers the pay raise they deserve.

  2. Weather is too bad to move the school board meeting but we can’t announce school closures in advance to give parents time to find childcare?

  3. Why doesn’t Brenham care about their teachers? With the weather that is coming, the Board is more concerned with themselves and making sure they are safe so they can change their meeting already but they can’t cancel school Tuesday and Wednesday for teachers and bus drivers that have to drive in and busses to pick up kids!?! Brenham will lose more money than they’re going to make if they don’t cancel school Tuesday and Wednesday. Why doesn’t Clay try to be a leader and take care of his staff for a change? I’m looking forward to electing new board members that actually care about the school district’s teachers, staff and kids. Brenham ISD, you need to be a leader in districts and stop waiting until the last minute to make a decision for safety. Teachers are leaving and going to get paid more while you’ll be worse off than you are now if you don’t get it together.

    1. Please know that it is not up to the SCHOOL BOARD to make the decision to close the schools. That is the responsibility of the superintendent – who also is constantly monitoring many different things before making the decision. It is not a decision that any of the administration takes lightly – and they DO care about the staff and all the students and parents this will affect. Texas weather waits til the last minute to decide if it wants to act like summer or winter – so it is difficult to preemptively make a decision on closing all campuses.

      1. I agree. This is not a decision that is made by the School Board. and trying to predict the weather ahead of time is almost impossible. Today ( Wednesday ) is a perfect example. They decide on Monday to close school on Tuesday and Wednesday, and today is a perfectly sunny and clear day. Maybe a little chilly, but the school has heat last time I checked. Could have very easily had school today!

  4. Yes a pay raise and a contract extension, if I remember correctly: wasn’t he part of the administration that put us a $5.8 million dollar debt. Where as the staff hasn’t had a pay raise in 3 years, trade classes can’t buy supplies to teach their students, extra school activities can’t buy food for students on trips but football can take 9 buses of kids to a football game in Huntsville and fed them.

    What happened to the $10 million the school got for covid, where is the audit on how we got into a $5.8 million deficit. We the taxpayers of this district, should be told what happened to this once great place to work and proud to be employed!

    1. I agree! While the central office has fat pockets with their salaries and adding worthless positions that take pay away from teachers, the teachers and paras that actually keep this district running and take care of the kids get dumped on with no pay increase for 3 years! When a district of this size has a superintendent that is never in schools gets paid well over $200,000 there’s a huge mishandling of money. Districts much bigger don’t pay their superintendent this much and they’re more visible! Let’s see the audit and quit saying there is no money but these useless positions keep getting added. CO should be doing multiple jobs with what they get paid, yet the teachers are the ones with multiple jobs with little to no support and no compensation. Brenham is losing amazing teachers because they do not pay what they’re worth. They can go 15-20 minutes away and get a $10-20k pay raise and feel like the district administration office actually care and will fight for them. Come on Brenham, cut useless positions and pay the teachers what they’re worth; they’re the ones you should take care of and should matter the most—and on teachers are where the money should be spent!

      1. Understand that a number of superintendents in Texas are making more than $200K a year, with many in the Houston area making $400K-plus. This is a statewide issue. Also, ask any teacher or substitute who’s willing to divulge why they are leaving: student accountability for behavior and work is worse now than 5, 10, or more years ago. It’s more than just the pay discrepancy.

        Brenham voters will not only need to decide on board positions in May but also to what lengths they as taxpayers will go to keep good teachers here.

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