Washington County reported its largest number of positive COVID-19 cases since April on Monday.

The Washington County Joint Information Center (JIC) confirmed 16 new cases on Monday, bringing the county’s positive case count to 242.  Monday’s new cases mark the highest daily increase since April 29th, when 22 positive cases were added.

Of the 16 new cases, all but two were from Brenham; one was from Chappell Hill and another from the old Washington area.  Eleven of the new cases were reported in patients under the age of 40, with four cases in patients under the age of 10.  The county now has 55 positive cases, with five patients hospitalized.  Nine new recoveries were also reported Monday in the county, which now has 158 patient recoveries.

The county also reported one death, although JIC officials said the death came from early this month and was only recently added by the Department of State Health Services.  In total, 29 COVID-19 patients have died.

Numbers at the Brenham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (BNRC) remain unchanged from last week, with one active case remaining out of its 111 positive cases, made up of 87 residents and 24 employees.  The facility has reported 86 patient recoveries and 24 deaths.  The remaining case is not hospitalized.

As of Monday, the county has performed an estimated 3,995 COVID-19 tests, with 223 tests coming from the BNRC.

To see the full list of confirmed cases in Washington County, visit www.washingtoncountyems.net/covid-19-confirmed-cases.  To visit the JIC website providing COVID-19 information, click here.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Goodness 69Hutch everyone needs to read your comment here. You lived with virus from FEBRUARY 17th — APRIL 28th…..what a warrior you are & you survived. Yep you put your faith & trust in God. The person 2 feet behind you I sure hope he reads your comment. No those are the very kind that never follow RULES in Life, Sports or whatever. No respect for fellow man for sure. I’m gonna continue wearing the mask, keeping distance & follow the rules. No I’m not gonna cocoon myself but I’ll be smart. You’re a trooper so pat yourself on the back. Thanks for sharing & KWHI has lots of followers so your Comment will be read.

  2. The people that don’t know what it is to spend and do family things with their children during this pandemic are the ones whose children *I want* to see back in school. This is a community. What that means is that my neighbor’s dysfunctional kids can be a corrupting influence on my own kid or they can steal packages off my porch and slash my tires for entertainment. Public schools are for everybody’s benefit.

    That’s not to make light of the seriousness of the coronavirus. I’m completely with you on that. But neither would I want to downplay the importance and necessity of formal education, the efforts of educators, or the unfortunate plight of working families that have had to make difficult decisions in this pandemic.

  3. Mr. /Mrs./Ms. Oldtimer. Well said….Our local City & County government needs to make it mandatory on the Mask. I am so impressed w/Central Market & HEB in Austin… It is enforced there…staff & shoppers. Brenham HEB needs to follow their lead. We have a mixed society here, lots of transients from the Highway 290 that shop here. Again our leaders Tatw & Durrenberger need to get serious & implement. I want kids back in school, churches open w/o limited numbers, wedding receptions to flourish, bbq’s & most of all we will miss our 4th July parades…..that’s the saddest because the Mayor & Judge never gave enough thought that the public here are irresponsible & maybe too LAZY to wear a mask. Citizens speak to them otherwise we’re gonna have reoccurances . I also think it’s a terrible shame our Beautiful Senior Center cannot be open for our seniors for mmeals & socializing…. And it serves the surrounding counties… Those dear folks need to be back w/their daily friends & commarridy just like the rest of us & our children.

  4. Giddings State School is juvenile prison. They are there because they committed felonies.

  5. I just think they opened up things way to early. Downtown brenham was packed 2 Friday’s who when I drove thru. Stay safe people. Wash your hands and distance yourselves.

  6. O but wait. I thought Brenham was immune to this. That Covid was over and that kids don’t get it… Wake up people. So when school starts back up because y’all want babysitters and several kids and or adults get it what do you expect will happen. You see the other businesses in town that are closed right now because of Covid Do you think we have enough subs to be able to maintain all the people that will be out for weeks when getting this?? Stop thinking everything is back to normal just because Abbot rushed opening Texas too fast without enough mandates

    1. Stop being scared of the reports.
      Positive cases do not mean positive deaths, or even terrible symptoms.
      Most people with a positive test have little or no symptoms.
      Kids need to be in school.
      If you are worried, stay away from everything, stay home.
      The rest of us will be fine.
      Use common sense, don’t fall in to the doom and gloom numbers.
      Maybe they should report the number of positive flu cases and deaths as well, to put it in some perspective.

      1. No kids do not NEED to be in school if it is not safe. Schools are a breeding ground for this In the fall there was not enough subs to go around for the flu outbreak and there are vaccines and treatments for the flu. This is different. I’m not scared of the reports. I’m stating facts that when u put hundreds of kids and adults together in tight spaces all day everyday with a pandemic it will not be ok. To say we can all return to school as normal is stupid. Texas American Federation of Teachers is HIGHLY against this as is lots of Texas Representatives.

        1. I take it you have not seen the local daycares and church schools that are going on right now. The majority of them are no following the so call precautions, and yet, no child or staff member has gotten sick.

          1. And you don’t know that. There were 6 minors added to the list this week. Do you not think any of them go to a daycare right now?? Do you know that? And I’m sure u have no idea if any of the staff have tested positive. Trust me we wouldn’t find out in Brenham as they try to hide everything

          2. Yea so now there are 2 schools closed in town because of Covid. O but none of the ones open have been affected by it right?! And that’s just a handful of people there right now compare to what it will be when and if school starts mr know it all. Try getting facts before typing on here

      2. Simple things like wearing a mask do help. Country’s such as South Korea, Greece, Norway, Denmark and others that managed to keep cases per million people down are doing much better than the US.
        The big unknown is really with people that get the virus and have no symptoms. I’m not referring to the fact that they may spread the disease, but that many with no symptoms are displaying lung damage when CAT scans are done. Forbes magazine just ran an article on their website about this. That will cause issues for these people later in life.
        Shutting the economy down will not help as much as people being diligent about wearing masks, washing hands, and trying to maintain social distancing. We are all people and should care about others.
        People just doing the right thing will help limit cases and bring the economy back. If they ignore the science, then hospitals will get overwhelmed and that will resort to another shutdown.

      3. Your right J. D. People need to get over this, and the numbers that the government puts out are lies. There’s not that many people dying of this virus. kids need to get back to school, and if the teachers is scared to teach, or the kids is scared to go back, then let them stay at home. Kids need to get used to dying. I even heard that not as many people died at that Brenham rehab center as they say. Who knows they’re probably just making this whole thing up.

        1. I can assure you and your way of thinking that this is very real at the nursing home and yes that many people have it there and yes people died from it there. Shame on you to say it’s not real there. My own grandma is one that has it there and I know everything that is going on in there. And to say that kids need to get used to death – that was ridiculous. So just because you want to get out and party during a pandemic – my family is supposed to suffer from people like you who don’t care to help the situation. Shame on you for saying this isn’t even real. Makes me sick

        2. “Kids need to get used to dying.”

          ^ I hear it’s really easy after the first time, but hey, what do I know? I’ve never done it before. How about you go first and report back.

      4. That’s the problem, this virus is very dangerous to us all. How many of your family members have to get it and suffer through the symptoms or die before we all start doing as we should. If you don’t care about yourself that’s fine but the rest of us shouldn’t have to suffer because of it. Yes they reopened Texas to soon. This is not a second wave of the virus,it’s still the first. Although I don’t have school age kids I have grandkids and their safety through all of this is what matters. Washington county is not that big. So how many more deaths do we have to suffer through because of the denial of others. People from other cities travel through our county daily,we don’t know what germs they are bringing in with them. We must protect our county.

    2. Be smart and wear a mask, wear a mask , wear a mask , wear a mask, wear a mask. Or get real sick go to the hospital maybe recover….or give it to grandma because I look silly in a mask. I want to live a few more years!

    3. I agree with JD. If you are scared do what you want to do. A 98% recovery rate is pretty darn good.
      The government has always been good at creating fear. Only God is in control.

      1. Where did you get 98% Ditto?. Try 83.83% Recovery Rate. Which means 16.17% Death Rate in Washington Co. 140 Recoveries and 27 deaths. From Texas Department of Health. Hopefully we can get to 98% if we all do our part to stop the spread.

    4. I keep hearing people talk about NOT sending kids back to school. How and where do you think kids will get their education? Most households rely on a two parent income. There are also many single parents that must work. Remote learning – homeschooling (whatever you want to call it) is not a viable option. We all got through it “ok” this past spring, but that was a temporary fix. Businesses and companies were extremely understanding with their employees. “Everything” was shut down. And it was helpful that it was toward the end of the school year. Fast forward to this coming fall: Businesses and companies will be open; Parents will be at work; And life will have to go on. Do you suggest parents leave their children home alone to log on to their device for a zoom lesson?!?! I keep hearing people say children should not be sent back into the classroom because it will spread Covid-19, but I never hear any legitimate, viable alternatives… (I won’t get into the whole emotional, social aspect of kids needing to be around other kids – that’s a whole other side to this)

      1. Maybe some people need to re evaluate their working situation to be able to homeschool their kids. There are millions of Americans who homeschool successfully even without this pandemic. It will not kill kids or their education to have to be homeschooled for a while until this virus is under control. It’s as simple as this. When it’s not safe for kids or staff to be in a school setting parents need to step up and do what’s needed Homeschooling is not a death sentence. Putting hundreds of people close together in a school during a growing pandemic is NOT SMART!

        1. Homeschooling is not a death sentence, but neither is getting COVID-19. If you think parents should sacrifice their employment to homeschool their children, do you think they’ll have the income to feed and cloth these children as well? What about insurance and benefits they could be giving up? If YOU are worried about sending YOUR kid to school, then YOU have the choice to homeschool YOUR kid. Don’t force that option on others that don’t have the necessary means to make that work.

      2. The people that don’t know what it is to spend and do family things with their children during this pandemic are the ones who want them back in school. I am all for education to the fullest and if we send them back do soon I feel the teachers won’t have anyone to teach. I think that most of us in Washington county are Christian’s and God didn’t teach us to be dummies.This virus never stopped and we are taking it to lightly. We are supposed to abide by the law of the land Wich means wear the darn masks. A guy walked up behind me in a store the other day 2ft on me I had on my mask and he didn’t I’m black and he was white, it was like he was trying to give me something. I didn’t say anything because I know that the Lord I serve sees heard and knows all. He is my protector. No weapon formed against the shall prosper. What he might of meant in harm God will turn to good. Please listen to one another respect each other will even if it is not the will of your own. I had the virus from February 17- 4-28-20. It is very dangerous painful and deadly. By the grace of God I made it but what about the ones who didn’t and won’t if we don’t come together now.

        1. Thank you so much for these inspiring and true words! You have made me smile for the day. You are so right and I’m sorry you had to go through this virus but so glad you came through it. Well said 69hutch.

  7. Well it does show that masks and social distancing does keep numbers down,sadly ppl arent doing it as our numbers and else where are rapidly rising.this is going to be a very bad winter flu,virus senerio…

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