The Brenham Police Department welcomed a new officer this (Monday) morning.

Officer Mickey Gressman was sworn in today as a Brenham PD officer. Municipal Court Judge Bill Kendall swore him in and his wife, Ashley, pinned on his badge.sworn-in

Officer Gressman graduated last Friday evening from the Central Texas Police Academy. He and his wife live in the College Station area.

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  1. congrats on the new job.. BUT as the article states-he and his wife live in the college station area. So does this mean he will be driving the ‘city of Brenham’ squad car home? or will he be commuting in his own vehicle to the police station? just wondering if the city of Brenham fuel will be used for his trips back and forth….?

    1. Lots of officers do not live inside the city limits or within the county. They use their own private vehicle to get to work so you can stop worrying about gas usage. I understand that BR was just taking a shot at the PD or the city of Brenham BUT that’s how it is.

      1. I do not know the PD’s policy and I do not know the reason why but I have seen a Brenham PD car travel down FM 332 over three miles from the city limits on multiple occasions the past few months. I know that Sherrif’s Deputies are allowed to commute outside the county with their department vehicles so this may be the source of some confusion. Having citizens provide oversight of the tax dollars they provide is by no means “a shot at the PD.” Now we just need law enforcement officers to remember to stop at stop signs, not speed without lights or sirens, and that brake and accelerator pedals are not on/off switches.

    2. I think the city only allows them to take the car home if they live in the city or within a 2 mile radius. I know the city already has an officer or two who live in College Station and they don’t get take home cars. Maybe you’d have better luck getting your question answered if you called the police department.

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