In 2017, the Washington County Chamber of Commerce will celebrate its 100th anniversary.

The milestone anniversary will be celebrated throughout the year with events that recognize the achievements of the organization including a community-wide picnic on March 24, 2017 and special presentations at Chamber functions.

As part of the centennial celebration planned for 2017, the Chamber is requesting the public send in any old photos or articles significant to the business community or the Chamber’s history.

“We’d love to see photos of business openings, chamber functions, or members of the community involved in the accomplishments of the Chamber over the years,” said James Pharaon, who serves as the Chair of the Washington County Chamber’s Centennial Committee.

The Chamber plans to compile the photos and information submitted by its members and the community into a special edition insert in the Banner Press. If you have any old photos you would like to share, please send to events@brenhamtexas.com.

The Chamber’s President, Page Michele, will be the special guest on Community Corner this week. Michele will be discussing the centennial celebrations, as well as the Chamber's legislative priorities.

Community Corner airs every Tuesday at 9:05 a.m. and features special guests speaking with Craig Montana about significant events happening in Washington County during the week. Community members are encouraged to call in during the segment to get their questions answered.

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