City Manager James Fisher

The Brenham City Council approved a resolution this (Tuesday) morning that would preserve the city’s ability to annex 30 percent more than its current area if HB 347 is passed by the State Legislature.  That bill is currently making its way through the legislature would require a vote by the citizens of a city to approve any annexation.  The bill would allow any areas that are in the process of being annexed to be grandfathered under the current laws.  Today’s resolution authorizes the City Manager to prepare service plans for the contemplated annex areas, thus exempting them from the requirements of HB 347.  Brenham City Manager James Fisher described the current legislature as being very anti-city:

City staff proposed a 16 percent area that included voluntary annexations of the new Bluebonnet Haven facility, the BCDC industrial park, and the new Independence Coffee area.  It would also include un-voluntary annexation areas around the 290 West corridor, on the south-east side around the proposed family park, and on the north-west side of the city.  Councilman Danny Goss asked why the city wasn’t including all of the area in its ETJ.  City Engineer Lori Sanguedolce explained that the bill would limit the grandfathered area to 30 percent of the city’s current size.  The council voted unanimously to increase the proposed area to the maximum 30 percent and for staff to present those areas at a future meeting.   Preparing service plans for the proposed areas would not obligate the city to annex those areas, only exempting them from the requirements of HB 347.

In the only other item on the agenda, council voted to table canvassing of the votes from Saturday’s city election.  Two provisional ballots were cast during the election and those voters are allowed 6 days to provide the required information.  Council will hold another special meeting next Tuesday morning to canvas the votes.

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  1. Thank you Mr. Fisher for being a visionary pro active city manager. The current majority in our statehouse is interfering more and more into local government all while touting themselves as the party of small governing. Pure hypocrisy. They raise our property taxes every year by telling our appraisal office how much to raise property values. All to decrease the states contribution to our schools, and purely against the state constitution. Their current legislation to give property tax relief only limits what local government can do, and is of little consequence to them. Then add injury to insult by increasing sales tax which hits the low income folks the hardest. Voters must educate themselves on facts and go to the polls with knowledge.

  2. I disagree with the City Manager. I feel the Texas legislature is doing the right thing here and guaranteeing property owners their right to not be located in the city if they so choose. Limit the government and give the power to the people, like it should be.

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