Authorities across Washington County are preparing for this year’s installment of National Night Out.
The annual effort to get neighbors out and about to visit with each other, as well as local law enforcement, is set for Tuesday night from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Brenham Police Sergeant Steven Eilert says the event, which started in 1984 is a great way for the community to interact with first responders in a positive way.
Sgt. Eilert says this year’s theme, “Fiesta” should provide everyone with a good time.
To register a block party in Brenham city limits, contact Brenham Police Sergeant Todd Ashorn at 979-337-7382. That information will be shared with the Brenham Fire Department and Washington County EMS.
Washington County residents can register a party by contacting Lieutenant Mark Whidden at 979-353-7711.
Parties need to be submitted by the end of business today (Friday), to ensure they are on the list for attendance.
KWHI and KTEX-106 will be traveling to parties around the area Tuesday night. If you would like us to stop by your party, call our office at 979-836-3655.