Brenham ISD has put out the framework for how instruction will take place for the new school year.

Brenham ISD Interim Superintendent Huey Kinchen (center) provides an update to students, parents, and staff about Brenham ISD's plans for the new school year in a Facebook address Thursday.

The district’s reopening plan will include two instructional models for when classes resume on Wednesday, August 19th: on campus, face-to-face instruction and remote/virtual learning.

Parents are being asked to choose the preferred instruction option for their students in a survey, which is now available to take at  They are asked to submit their responses no later than next Friday, July 24th.  In the next few weeks, parents should receive a commitment form that will commit their students to the selected instruction method for at least one grading period.

In a Facebook address Thursday night, Interim Superintendent Huey Kinchen encouraged parents and staff to complete the surveys, as the district will use the feedback received to shape what school looks like in the fall.



The reopening plan also goes over safety guidelines for on-campus learning, such as the creation of a COVID-19 Response Team consisting of district and campus administrators that will plan for and respond to COVID-19 concerns.

If a positive case is identified in a school participant, the district will identify and notify any individuals who had regular or close contact with the affected participant.  Those individuals will be required to quarantine for 14 days before returning to in-person school.  Masks will be required for all staff, visitors, and students in grades 5-12.  Students in Pre-K through 4th grade will be highly encouraged to wear masks.

Links to the full reopening plan and survey are available here.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. We all as a whole are responsible for each other and these children. It won’t hurt us to start school at home until at least the first of the year. We have no vaccine and until we do instead of burying our children we can keep them safe. My grandson attends private school and always kept a runny nose or cold, since this virus he is healthy as a horse and runny nose and cold free. I’m sure that alot of our residents don’t have adequate resources to help them or their children with personal hygiene. Germs travel. Who’s going to assure that the kids and parents are doing what they should. Do you know that when you go to hospital in brenham they don’t force the test even with symptoms and allow the patients to go back out into the world and because the patients don’t have a test that says positive they continue to go on business as usual, in and out stores ect. Continuing to spread this virus. Our numbers are way higher than they have been reporting. Our city state and county leaders no it and are doing nothing. You that feel you have to send your children back, I bet you won’t go with them, but you will see when they bring it home to you

  2. Wonderful! Great leadership and commitment to our students. Glad to hear they will offer in-person classes. Education is not a non-essential sector of our country and it needs to open. It’s critical our kiddos are back in class amount their peers.

  3. What phycological impact emotionally do you think that this is going to have on our students who are already perfectly aware of what’s going on in the world? I would like to see the interim superintendent and the city and state counsil members go into the classroom and sit with the students all everyday until this is over. I also want to know if there sending their children and if they are back in their offices conducting business as usual. The kids no about this virus and what is is doing to people and are scared that it will happen to them. That’s trauma enough. Y’all want to put them back in school so the exact thing their scared of comes true. I understand that those of you that are ready to get rid of your children cause you don’t have the time or don’t want to make the time to take this opportunity to bond, listen and get to know your children better, that you would even think about it. Our children are our legacies and we need them here to carry on what we have started and to make generations to come. Even the teachers that are probably at greater risk than any. I thought that Washington county was a county that loved thy neighbors and over the last few weeks I have learned that we are very selfish in our decision making and process. Very much disappointed.

      1. No I don’t suggest just leaving them home,but again I’d rather them be home alive than in school at this point contracting or passing on the virus themselves. I’d rather see them fall behind needing to be caught up than dead with nothing to catch up on. This virus is alot more serious and dangerous than you all seem to realize, and the government alon with the city and county leaders are not putting out real numbers. I wish no harm to no one but you that are in denial I want you or one of your family members to get a taste of it and let us know if you’re opinion changes. I have had it know people with it . I made it thank God but not everyone will. What about all of the infants that have it. What kinda hearts do you people have? Is money all you see? Most importantly what kinda of Christian’s are you? God sees heard and knows all and non of you are above him and his law. Check your hearts

        1. Wow…..pulling the what kind of Christian are you card huh? Expect nothing less from people such as yourself, you are scared little sheep and the left has you hook, line, and sinker. I put my trust where it needs to be and not on the government, especially the absolute unChristian left!! You have been manipulated beyond what you realize and COVID-19 has become your identity. EVERY single illness has a most made it, not everyone will outcome, so what’s different now outside of the manufactured fear for election purposes? To prove that you are manipulated with fear, the 85 infants that you referenced were since MARCH!? Any word on how many died? 1 and that was from SIDS not COVID-19. Notice how they ONLY report positive cases now, not negative or how the death RATE is way down, which is the real number that needs to be watched. I’ve had a “taste” of this virus so you can put that card away as well and my opinion remains.

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