Burton ISD is seeking parent feedback ahead of the upcoming school year.

The school district will offer both on-campus and remote learning options for students when classes resume on Thursday, August 20th.  Ahead of the school start date, the district has sent out an online survey for parents to complete by Thursday, August 6th.

The survey will determine the type of instruction a student will receive for the first six weeks of school, which is currently scheduled to end Friday, September 25th.  Anyone who cannot complete the survey electronically can physically fill out the survey and return it to Burton ISD.

Athletic workouts and other campus activities are set to begin on Monday, August 3rd.  To participate in after-school activities, children will need to participate in on-campus instruction.

The “Meet the Teacher” event scheduled for August 12th from 4 to 6 p.m. will be set up as a drive-thru.  Students participating in on-campus instruction will be able to drop off school supplies, while those receiving remote instruction can pick up Chromebooks.

If children experience symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive for the virus, they will be required to receive instruction remotely from home.  School administrators say they are working to implement recommended precautions to ensure the healthiest educational atmosphere conducive to learning.

The survey can be taken through the link here.

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  1. So here’s my questions for anyone at BISD that can answer them:
    1. Are fall sports going ahead with a normal schedule? If so, I calculate that with the 6-foot minimum distance between players, you’d only be able to get 14 or 16 players in a 72 passenger bus. Likewise, this would be the case for the band. Does the district have the number of buses so that social distancing could be carried out, as well as taking all of the other kids home (and having them be socially distanced while traveling home in the bus) on afternoons with sports?

    2. It states, “To participate in after-school activities, children will need to participate in on-campus instruction.” Is there some reason for this? I know that in the past, a student was supposed to be in attendance (by UIL rules) a certain number of hours on the day of a sporting event, but one would think that the TEA would have addressed that requirement.

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