With the Washington County Fair’s shift to an exhibitor-only format, organizers are working to utilize all available resources to make the fair safe for participants.

While the 2019 Washington County Fair Junior Livestock Auction looked slightly different, being held at the Fairgrounds' indoor sales facility due to the threat of rain, this year's event will likely see much larger changes amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The fair announced the move to exhibitor-only last week, removing some highly anticipated features of the fair like the musical entertainment, fair parade, fair queen contest, and Champion Drive.  Plans are still in place to hold the junior livestock auction, but it may incorporate both in-person and online aspects.

Fair Manager Dean Fuchs said the Fair Association is working to finalize the plans to hold livestock shows without bringing too many people to the Fairgrounds.  He said he hopes to publish the show schedule August 1st in order to give the 462 youth exhibitors enough time to prepare before the fair, currently scheduled for September 11-19.  He does not anticipate the schedule to change much, other than the shows for some species being adjusted by a day or two.

Fuchs said even minor changes to the schedule need to make logistical sense for all stakeholders.



Fuchs said, in regards to following health protocols, that everything will be put in place to ensure the safety of exhibitors and their families.

Fair President Dean Luetge said the fair was prepared to have musical entertainment, but the current situation surrounding COVID-19 dictated that the fair avoid doing so.  He understands that attendees may be disappointed in the lack of events, but said with this format, the youth of the county will at least be able to receive payoff for their hard work.



Fairgoers can check the fair’s website, www.washingtoncofair.com, for event updates and an amended show schedule.

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One Comment

  1. What about the Youth Auction for country creations kids that do not show animals Do they get to do their auctions as well?

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