The Faith Mission Disaster Service Center (DSC) is prioritizing getting vulnerable citizens registered for a COVID-19 vaccine.

The vaccination registration process at the Regional Vaccination subHUB is now entirely online, and seniors and other citizens may not have computer or internet access.

The DSC is assisting those without access in submitting their information through the automated registration portal by walking them through the process.

All registrations must go through, and all confirmations, follow-up calls, texts and emails will come from the automated subHUB system.

In January, the DSC was asked by the county to help with the new vaccination subHUB that was being developed.  Faith Mission’s expanded role would be registering people to receive the new vaccines that were becoming available.  Through its active volunteer group, Faith Mission registered over 11,000 people for their first and second vaccinations.

Faith Mission officials said around 30,000 phone calls were made by call center volunteers over a three-week period.  While the shift to an automated registration system reduced the DSC’s registration role, extreme weather in February led to the DSC focusing its disaster response on assisting the needs of people in the county relating to both the COVID-19 and winter storm disasters.

Primary services currently provided through the Faith Mission-Washington County DSC:

  • Assistance for people that have experienced a direct loss such as income or property damages, or people who may need housing assistance directly related to either of the current disaster declarations.
  • Assistance for those that have attempted to register online for a vaccination appointment at the Washington County subHUB and are having difficulty working through the process or are having access problems.
  • Assistance for people experiencing difficulties in getting rescheduled after missing their second COVID-19 vaccination appointment at the subHUB.

For assistance, email, or call or text 979-421-4131.  Those reaching out are asked to provide their name, contact information and reason for the message.  Their message will be processed as soon as possible based on the message volume.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you to the incredible staff at Faith Mission, all the volunteers from the community who assisted and anyone who played a part
    In this huge undertaking.
    I am extremely proud of our community.

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