Protestors are organizing a rally tomorrow (Saturday) morning in downtown Brenham.

Citizens are converging to protest the separation of immigrant families at the border.  Margarette Boswell, one of the local organizers, says this is just one of 650 rallies going on across the country.



Boswell and other organizers felt a point still had to be made, even after President Donald Trump’s recent executive order.  According to Boswell, the rally isn’t protesting the current administration, although there might be members that say otherwise.



The rally is scheduled for 9 a.m. tomorrow morning on the courthouse square.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Democrats don’t waste your time defending your actions because misery love company. Just remain silent and go to the polls in November so we can flip the House and Senate and a lot of these issues will be resolved. If you want to be heard VOTE.

  2. We are a nation of laws and we must stay that way or cease to exist as a country..protest ad you will but it doesn’t alter the conviction of people to rightly exercise sovereignty as a nation. No apology from me required…

  3. Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:

    How many apply to America everyone?

    1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism – Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

    2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights – Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

    3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause – The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

    4. Supremacy of the Military – Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

    5. Rampant Sexism – The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.

    6. Controlled Mass Media – Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

    7. Obsession with National Security – Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

    8. Religion and Government are Intertwined – Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions.

    9. Corporate Power is Protected – The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

    10. Labor Power is Suppressed – Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.

    11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts – Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.

    12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment – Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

    13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption – Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

    14. Fraudulent Elections – Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

    1. These are shown by Democrats more than Republicans. They’ve tried

      A. to illegitimize a legal election because their candidate win (including a bribery attempt by Michael Moore who said he’d pay the fines for unlocalized electoral college voters)

      B. Manipulate the media to fit their agenda,

      C. Vilified law enforcement and want to end organizations such as ICE (a law group) for enforcing laws on books for decades,

      D. Tear down statues of confederate soldiers that didn’t fit agenda. Not only arts affected there, it’s erasing history like those eras.

      The rest I’ve seen examples of in every presidency I’ve seen since my birth.

      In short, going by REAL history, I’m more concerned about the Democrat behavior in these area ls than Republicans. (I’m independent).

      1. “The rest I’ve seen examples of in every presidency I’ve seen since my birth.”
        Disdain for the recognition of human rights? Labor power suppressed? Disdain for intellectuals and the arts?
        What country were you living in?? Not this one. Until very recently, this country was considered the world’s leading champion of human rights. We weren’t always good at it, we violated rights ourselves, but RECOGNITION of human rights was our avowed goal. It wasn’t a Democrat or Republican tool with which to browbeat voters, but a liberal IDEAL, that was supposed to inspire the whole world. And before I’m attacked as a ‘leftist,’ bear in mind that all who support liberty and democracy are also liberals — those are liberal ideals.
        Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln are rolling in their graves…

        1. Classic liberalism and modern progressivism are not the same thing. In fact, they are on opposite sides of the spectrum on most issues.

          1. I didn’t say they were the same thing; I implied that I am frequently attacked here as a ‘leftist’ for promoting liberal ideals.

        2. Pat, I’ve seen presidents parallel a lot of the dictatorship beliefs this guy has listed. You may not like hearing this, but I’m tired of hearing about how President Trump (not “The person occupying the White House,” or “45” – people got waylaid for calling former president Obama simply “Obama”), gets compared to this when the actual historical parallels are currently being shown in Democrats.

          And here’s what I mean by a couple you’ve listed:

          1. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts – you have Democrats tearing down statues of Confederate soldiers. These are pieces of art that talk about our history – including the black and blue parts. People showing anything that is atypical of the Democrat views of history are being shunned, insulted and told they’re stupid.

          2. Disdain for recognition of human rights – I’ve seen the shelters these children are in because some of the more liberal leaning people have gotten to tour them and take photos. They have CLEAN beds (not cots), full meals, are sheltered and protected from predators. There have been stories of these children being raped, beaten, starving, dehydrated on their journey there.

          Yes, a few are separated from their parents – but out of all of them, a mere 20% of them have been WITH parents. A whopping 80% of these children have come here with NEITHER parent. So tell me – who is more cruel – us for sheltering them and feeding them with a temporary (and legal) separation from parents – or the ones who parents did NOT come with them and put them up for risk of abuse, death and other harm?

          3. Labor power suppressed – Most public unions either FORCE people to join them or they can’t work in that area, or they take basically a fee to still work in the area, but they can’t get the benefits of the union. There’s ZERO freedom of choice there beyond “Pay or move to a state where there are only private unions – which FYI, Texas has these.”

          Additionally, from stories and actual investigative reporting – many union workers are actually LAZY, knowing they will get paid the same amount of money no matter how much they actually work or not.

          The problem with liberalism is that it has become no longer the definition when applied to Democrats. Jefferson WOULD be rolling in his grave seeing how far the party has slipped from HIS ideals into a party that would actually parallel more Lenin. (Washington was simply chosen as first president and next party a Whig, which is the present day Republican Party, and Lincoln was a member of the Union party, but leaned Republican).

          Finally – this isn’t a case of simple human rights. It’s a case of people breaking the law to enter here in the United States. You and others have not said what we should do when the children are reunited. It is on record that it wasn’t “good enough” to have them staying together in jails.

          You only have two options here on what to do next: either return them to their country or enter the United States. The first you say is unfair, the second is amnesty, plain and simple.

          I find both wrong for the people who come here the LEGAL and safe way, and then work hard to become naturalized citizens.

  4. This is not right at all they want to better theor children and their lives have you guys ever been to mexico not a vacation type thing but actually been there …technically usa belonged to natives and they got bully by white people…why cant where share if they pay taxes like everybody else they have reason to be here as well.. That means everybody that has geramn french irish dutch scottish they should go back as well

    1. That argument is not relative. The ‘Native Americans’ came here from Asia, U.S. citizens have every right to control our borders. Why should legal citizens pay for the real problem – OVERPOPULATION & HIGH BIRTHRATES? All you bleeding hearts want to treat symptoms, something we have been doing for decades. Hunger, Corruption, Crime, Poverty, ALL are tied to overpopulation. Reagan gave our country away treating the problem when he granted amnesty to illegal aliens, What has changed? It has only gotten worse, Most citizens of Western Europe want to remain where they are, the same is true for most Australians & New Zealanders. Why. because they have low birth rates. The immigration problem is caused by folks from overpopulated countries, not only from south of the Rio Grande, but Asia, Africa, and some areas of Eastern Europe. Let them solve the mess overpopulation and uncontrolled birth rates caused them, We cannot and should not be expected to solve all the world’s problems.

      1. What controls on births would you recommend for these countries, particularly those that are predominantly Roman Catholic?

        1. If their religion is the problem, let THEM suffer the consequences, not me, Europe is mostly Catholic. They practice birth control. The no birth control policy dates back to the plagues and ongoing wars. Christians were dying in droves. It is an outdated policy.

  5. America is a sovereign nation thus giving us the right to protect our borders. The influx of people coming across our southern border is alarming. When American citizens break the law and go to jail, they are separated from their children,. My heart goes out to the children separated from their parents but it is the parents fault. The last I heard, out of the 12,000 children detained for illegally crossing our southern border, 10,000 crossed alone. Shame on the parents who send their kids on these dangerous and hard journeys alone and with the parents. Let’s put the blame where it belongs please. It’s the parents fault. No one should be above the law. I do believe in the right of peaceful protests. MAGA.

    1. Amen. Tired of illegal immigrants coming over and our social Security going to take care of there children. We can not make it on what we get.

      1. Just visit a specialist in a Houston medical center and you will get a picture that shows Linda’s post is far too accurate. The waiting rooms are full of folks from all over the globe, assisted by an adult child because the parent only speaks another language. Every single one is on Medicare or some other government paid program. What did they do to earn this benefit? They came to this country and found a loophole to get the benefits. Go to a school and a parent shows up with a taxpayer paid interpreter to discuss their problem kid. And if they bring a lawyer, guess who pays.

  6. Take the time to look up the criminal statistics of theses illegals, yes the child ones too. The 18 and younger commit most of the crime. The gangs that sell dope, rape, and burglary, clogging our courts and prison system. Not to mention the strain on the health care system. It not heartless it’s just good sense.

    1. Apparently your “facts” are coming straight from Fox News. So sad for you and for America.

  7. Maybe you’ll post my comment this time KWHI. Can’t imagine why not given what the opposing viewership is calling the original commentators to this article. On second thought, maybe I can imagine.

    From a legal, Biblical, political and even egalitarian point of view, this protest makes no sense. Even more troubling are the glib comments here that call others heartless, cruel, Godless, racist, and more. How does one not recognize the dissonance of supporting open borders or any policy that supports getting to that end? It does nothing but harm their neighbor and their children . Hypocrites, if these protestors really wanted to help the illegal child, they’d be on a mission trip to central or south america and requesting the military to destroy the drugs and corruption in those countries at the same time locking down the borders so that those same dangers don’t migrate to our lands. You can’t action something if your own house is in disarray due to open borders policy. Here’s some evidence if interested:

    In 1997 the Federal Government entered into a settlement of a ten year long court battle over the detention of minors at the border resulting from illegal entry. …the Flores Settlement. That Settlement requires the release from detention as soon as possible of all minors to a parent residing in the US, another relative residing in the US, or an agency licensed to care for U he children. The Flores Settlement Agreement has been repeatedly reimposed on the Immigration Services through Court suits brought against the Clinton, the Obama ,and the Trump administrations. The Obama Administration resolved the problem by its so called “Catch and Release Program”. Required Separation of children from their parent becomes moot if you just release the parent!.
    But the Obama Administration then ran into problems when the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors began crossing the border . In a suit brought against Loretta Lynch (another Flores Case) , the Ninth Circuit made it clear that the Flores Settlement Release Requirement applied to unaccompanied minors as well.
    All of the Flores cases have been decided by the Ninth Circuit, unquestionably the most liberal bench in the United States.
    There is no special Trump policy requiring separation of children. Where is the outrage against the Ninth Circuit?

    Would you not be arrested for child endangerment if you took your five year old on a multi-day trek with no food clothing or shelter? Would CPS not take the child away? Of course they would, the same people saying you can’t do this to illegal aliens would say it must be done for our own children.

    “So many people alleging that the Bible would support illegal immigration with so little knowledge of what the Bible says. Opposition to illegal immigration is not anti-immigrant. I recommend that people interested in what the Bible has to say about immigration take a look at what an OT scholar (prof. at Wheaton), James Hoffmeier, had to say about the issue in his book *The Immigration Crisis: Immigrants, Aliens, and the Bible. In connection with the book’s publication by Crossway in 2009 Justin Taylor interviewed Dr. Hoffmeier, who knows what it is like to be an alien in a foreign land:
    “I lived as an alien in Egypt growing up, and as a teenager, my family and I had to flee Egypt because of the 1967 war. We lived for nearly 2 months in tents on a mountain camp in Cyprus. Then for 8 years I was a graduate student in Canada. So I know what it is to be the “stranger” in a foreign land and to live as a refugee for a period. By the way, my wife is a Chinese American, the granddaughter of immigrants from China. So I am not insensitive to plight of immigrants in a foreign land. All of these factors figure into my writing The Immigration Crisis.”
    “What I learned in my study is that there are three relevant terms used in Hebrew (ger, zar, nekhar). Different English translations render the words differently. The TNIV and NLT render them all as ‘foreigner.’ That is misleading and incorrect. Zar and nekhar indeed refer to foreigners or visitors, people passing through a foreign land.
    “Ger or the verb gwr, which together occur more than 160 times in the OT, refer to foreign residents who live in another land with the permission of a host. A good example of this is found in Genesis when Joseph asks permission of pharaoh for his family to move to Egypt (Gen. 45:16-18). When they arrived, the brothers asked pharaoh if they could sojourn in the land (Gen. 47:1-4), and Pharaoh allotted them a section of the land of Goshen or Rameses (Gen. 47:5-7). The law is clear that ger is not to be oppressed, but to receive equal justice, and have access to the social support system of ancient Israel. And there was a provision for religious inclusion, but they were also obligated to live in accordance with the laws just like the Israelites.
    “The Law does not, however, extend to the zar and nekhar such benefits and services. From this I conclude that ger was viewed as a legal alien. The mistake of some well-meaning Christians is to apply the biblical laws for the ger to illegal aliens in American even though they do not fit the biblical legal and social definition.”

    Since we’re talking about the family unit of foreigners, where is this sentiment concerning the protection of family when it comes to gov welfare programs and their effect on the family? “According to the 1960 census, nearly 88 percent of children under 18 were then living with two parents.35 That fraction was slightly higher than it had been before World War II, thanks in part to improving survival chances for parents and the correspondingly diminished risk of orphanhood” “By 2013, nearly 32 percent of America’s children were living in arrangements other than a two-parent home.” “A Census Bureau
    study for 2009 reported just under 69 percent of America’s children lived in two-parent
    homes that year-but only 60 percent were biological offspring of both parents in their home, and only 57 percent were with both married biological parents. The corresponding percentages are presumably lower today. “The reported illegitimacy ratio for nonwhites gradually rose from 17 percent in 1940 to 22 percent in 1959. In 1960, one in five nonwhite children was living with a lone mother. By 2012, more than 72 percent of black births were outside marriage, and in 2013 more than half of black children were living only with their mother—many more than the 37 percent who were in a two-parent home. Reference, “The Great Society At 50”, by Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt. The data just gets worse.

    I’m really hoping these protestors are simply misled or misinformed.

  8. If the folks that have commented about the marchers are an example of the majority of local citizens, I am living in a heartless, Godless community. They are simply protesting the needless ripping apart of families. They are not advocating for law breakers, but simply stating objections to the cruel punishment of innocent children. And, by the way, the first amendment is a LAW, granting us all the FREEDOM to voice our opinions. Anyone that objects or impedes this, is not a supporter of what too many have died for.

    1. You know it’s funny, the organizer and likely most of the participants in the protest are pro-abortion. Think about that. Fake outrage over a policy that has been going on under Democratic presidents for years. Pretend to care about families separated…never mind that 80% of the minors coming across are coming without their parents. But in a few weeks or months, these same protesters will be at the state capitol demanding the right for mothers to murder their unborn children.

      1. Just stop. YOU are the person bringing abortion into this. Nobody protesting family separation here has said a word about it, and while I’m not offended that you draw such silly and unrelated conclusions without any cause, you make yourself look foolish, and you’re being pointlessly divisive. I, for one, do not support families being divided at the border, but I am against abortion. You will have much more productive conversations with your neighbors if you start to understand that all of the rest of us do not get our opinions and perspectives from only one source. You might, but we don’t. Try to stay on topic.

        1. I’m merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the organizer. She has previously been a part of pro-abortion rallies. Now she claims to care about this policy that Trump, of all people, ended after it had gone on for 20+ years under the last 3 administrations.

          By the way, I didn’t vote for Trump the first time and I still don’t plan to, but this whole situation was swept under the rug until now. And it’s because people are incapable of being objective. There is nothing new here but the people hate Trump. Actually there is something new, Trump ended a 20 year old policy. Maybe the people who pretend to care should be thanking him.

  9. I appreciate knowing that a town I have lived in all my life are racist and inhumane. There simply with in thier rights to protest . I have no issue with it as long as no one gets hurt. No one said there protesting Trump so why are y’all bringing him up. Yes we are all aware it’s been a law but this the only president that has put it into effect in this way. But as said no one has said they are protesting Trump. As fellow Huma beings forget the color of anyone’s skin, forget where they live, what legal rights any one has. Alot are protesting more about the treatment of the innocent children that had no choice in coming.

    1. The big O did it also but the press and media and news never should it or talked about

        1. Barbara – one point: Elian Gonzales was removed from his uncle in Florida at that same time (under Janet Reno- Democrat).

          Elian’s mother tried to get herself and her son out of a dictatorship known as Cuba, but because his father wanted him back, he was forced to return, and the photo taken if that removal (Elian and Uncle in closet) sticks with us today.

          I don’t understand why it was permissible then to remove children in a free country to reunite them with one wanting to stay in a dictatorship, but not now.

          No one’s forgotten that.

    2. I’d like to point out that Ms. Boswell is on the record saying that while it isn’t about Trump (which is not accurate – it’s about his policies so yes it is technically about him too), she can’t say that others may say otherwise.

      Not being accurate here will only exacerbate the issues.

  10. From a legal, Biblical, political and even egalitarian point of view, this protest makes no sense. How does one not recognized the dissonance of supporting open borders or any policy that supports getting to that end? It does nothing but harm their neighbor and their children. Hypocrites, if these protestors really wanted to help the illegal child, they’d be on a mission trip to central or south America and requesting the military to destroy the drugs and corruption in those countries at the same time locking down the borders so that those same dangers don’t migrate to our lands. You can’t action something if your own house is in disarray due to open borders policy. Here’s some evidence if interested:

    In 1997 the Federal Government entered into a settlement of a ten year long court battle over the detention of minors at the border resulting from illegal entry. …the Flores Settlement. That Settlement requires the release from detention as soon as possible of all minors to a parent residing in the US, another relative residing in the US, or an agency licensed to care for U he children. The Flores Settlement Agreement has been repeatedly reimposed on the Immigration Services through Court suits brought against the Clinton, the Obama ,and the Trump administrations. The Obama Administration resolved the problem by its so called “Catch and Release Program”. Required Separation of children from their parent becomes moot if you just release the parent!.
    But the Obama Administration then ran into problems when the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors began crossing the border . In a suit brought against Loretta Lynch (another Flores Case) , the Ninth Circuit made it clear that the Flores Settlement Release Requirement applied to unaccompanied minors as well.
    All of the Flores cases have been decided by the Ninth Circuit, unquestionably the most liberal bench in the United States.
    There is no special Trump policy requiring separation of children. Where is the outrage against the Ninth Circuit?

    “So many people alleging that the Bible would support illegal immigration with so little knowledge of what the Bible says. Opposition to illegal immigration is not anti-immigrant. I recommend that people interested in what the Bible has to say about immigration take a look at what an OT scholar (prof. at Wheaton), James Hoffmeier, had to say about the issue in his book *The Immigration Crisis: Immigrants, Aliens, and the Bible.* In connection with the book’s publication by Crossway in 2009 Justin Taylor interviewed Dr. Hoffmeier, who knows what it is like to be an alien in a foreign land:
    “I lived as an alien in Egypt growing up, and as a teenager, my family and I had to flee Egypt because of the 1967 war. We lived for nearly 2 months in tents on a mountain camp in Cyprus. Then for 8 years I was a graduate student in Canada. So I know what it is to be the “stranger” in a foreign land and to live as a refugee for a period. By the way, my wife is a Chinese American, the granddaughter of immigrants from China. So I am not insensitive to plight of immigrants in a foreign land. All of these factors figure into my writing The Immigration Crisis.”
    “What I learned in my study is that there are three relevant terms used in Hebrew (ger, zar, nekhar). Different English translations render the words differently. The TNIV and NLT render them all as ‘foreigner.’ That is misleading and incorrect. Zar and nekhar indeed refer to foreigners or visitors, people passing through a foreign land.
    “Ger or the verb gwr, which together occur more than 160 times in the OT, refer to foreign residents who live in another land with the permission of a host. A good example of this is found in Genesis when Joseph asks permission of pharaoh for his family to move to Egypt (Gen. 45:16-18). When they arrived, the brothers asked pharaoh if they could sojourn in the land (Gen. 47:1-4), and Pharaoh allotted them a section of the land of Goshen or Rameses (Gen. 47:5-7). The law is clear that ger is not to be oppressed, but to receive equal justice, and have access to the social support system of ancient Israel. And there was a provision for religious inclusion, but they were also obligated to live in accordance with the laws just like the Israelites.
    “The Law does not, however, extend to the zar and nekhar such benefits and services. From this I conclude that ger was viewed as a legal alien. The mistake of some well-meaning Christians is to apply the biblical laws for the ger to illegal aliens in American even though they do not fit the biblical legal and social definition.”

    Where is the protest and outrage for the protection of the US family when it comes to gov welfare programs and their effect on the family? Would CPS take your child if you tried to drag a 5 year old through the desert with no food clothing or shelter? Of course they would , and you’d be arrested for child endangerment.

    “According to the 1960 census, nearly 88 percent of children under 18 were then living with two parents.35 That fraction was slightly higher than it had been before World War II, thanks in part to improving survival chances for parents and the correspondingly diminished risk of orphan hood” “By 2013, nearly 32 percent of America’s children were living in arrangements other than a two-parent home.” “A Census Bureau
    study for 2009 reported just under 69 percent of America’s children lived in two-parent
    homes that year-but only 60 percent were biological offspring of both parents in their home, and only 57 percent were with both married biological parents. The corresponding percentages are presumably lower today. “The reported illegitimacy ratio for nonwhites gradually rose from 17 percent in 1940 to 22 percent in 1959. In 1960, one in five nonwhite children was living with a lone mother. By 2012, more than 72 percent of black births were outside marriage, and in 2013 more than half of black children were living only with their mother—many more than the 37 percent who were in a two-parent home. Reference, “The Great Society At 50”, by Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt. The data just gets worse.

    I want to believe these protestors are just misled and misinformed and that they really believe they’re doing good, but at a certain point, it gets harder to give them that benefit.

  11. When will these Democrats realize their former leader put all this in motion years ago????

  12. 6/30/18- 9am. They protest. We show up and counterprotest. When these social justice warriors show up, we patriots need to show up too. For far too long, they have been given the media spotlight and a bully pulpit. Drown them out!!!!

  13. It might be nice for ice to check out citizenship of the people attending the rally!

    1. It may be nice, how cruel, cold hearted. be careful, someone your family could lose their freedom to buy committing a crime, never say never. So it might be nice just to pray and love instead of hate. God said, he who has not sinned throw the first stone. It might be nice to know how to spell ICE first. God forgive them for they not know what they are doing, Amen. Really it would be nice to try love first.

    2. So you want the government to ask to see papers from anyone who you disagree with politically? Hmmm.
      And if someone who was born in this County happened to go to that protest and not be carrying ID, then what ? Deport them?

  14. Why don’t they go to the border and protest. They are sending their children here alone. Some not all. 80% of the children have been sent here by themselves. Go protest that.

  15. Why all of a sudden is this such an issue, It has been a law for decades , Written into law years ago, ONLY now is it an issue because people do not like our current administration and are looking to blame them. Even though they are simply obeying a law that was written years ago. No one protested other presidents on this issue. People don’t let your anger get the best of you, If you allow it to, It will eat you up .

    1. It’s so sad yall can not see the point, yes this has been the law for years, but it should be the law for all illegals, UNDERSTAND THAT, why only those countries, when we have soo many different illegals from soo many other countries, that’s what I am talking about, the law should be for everyone not certain ones, and how many people are rich because of these people. GOD said, make OUR NATION great, a lot of people for get we are all GOD’s children, God said love others as I love you. I’m ashamed of our supposed FREE COUNTRY.

      1. They are from all sorts of countries – many coming in from Mexico are actually from South American ones and Mexico is a pass through.

        And other countries from other continents not contiguous with ours is more often than not a straw man argument. They tend to be the ones who follow our laws and become naturalized or at least have the right credentials to work here.

        The problem is people are not wanting us to follow the law, and entering the United States without credentials or a visa is a federal misdemeanor. It’s a crime, any age. It isn’t hard to tell the truth: Mexico itself has similar laws and enforced them. Why are we supposed to not obey ours?

  16. How about Ms. Boswell and the other folks protesting across the country go ahead and volunteer to cover the costs of these illegals in our country. That will make everyone feel better.

    1. Maga, illegals are the reason our country is growing, I wish every single illegal would be deported, why only to proof, yall need them, but the racist part of yall do not see it. Maga, how would you feel if you end up having an illegal in you family and end up being the father of your blood, you would think different, a lot of people are using this as an excuse to be racist. Practice love instead, I would love to see you doing the work these illegals do, sad. WHY CAN YOU NOT GET IT, WHAT GOD HAS BEING TRYING TO TEACH US, LOVE EACH OTHER. I WOULD LOVE TO GO AND SEE YOU AT CHURCH.

      1. Love is exactly what your not doing for your neighbor “Greater”. Starting at 2 Timothy 3, we’re told to avoid certain people these days. Maybe he shouldn’t go to your church. It’s not just Church that we’re supposed to avoid people that display certain behavior. Behavior that can corrupt us and most importantly our children.

        You don’t think we’ve thought through exactly what a closed border would mean? You bet we have and the harmony created by such an act far out ways any negative. I hope you get your wish.

    2. I already have volunteered to cover those costs — I pay my taxes. And I’m happy to help pay to get people out of countries that we wrecked back in the mid-20th with American Adventurism.

  17. do they need to have a permit to do this?? Will any of these protestors take one of those families to their home?

    1. Sad, how ignorance has no heart. They are human beings and it’s not there fault where they are born. Sad to see cold hearted people in Brenham Texas. These people were helping save belongings and lifes, when the bad weather hit, Come on people you never know how all this can come back and bit you. You do not know God, I feel sorry for you, remember God is love. If everyone practice love, there will be less hate in this world.

      1. One can love the Lord and still respect our laws. Most Republicans I know of SUPPORT and LOVE immigrants…

        It’s just they support LEGAL immigration, not crossing the borders and then never becoming naturalized.

        Loving people means sometimes you must punish them for doing wrong, and entering the country without a visa or other legal documentation is a federal misdemeanor.

        We would be expected to do the same if we wanted to naturalize in another country.

        This is something that is largely ignored and distorted in these protests.

      2. WOW!!!!! So the illegals coming in now were here when Harvey hit last year?? Did not know that. Its not about love, hate, or color. Its about borders, culture and language. When we lose these three things we lose our country. Why no one can see this i dont know. Not every one that comes here wants to be an American. They just want to come here. There needs to be a full halt to immigration from any where for at least a good 30 years untill the people that are here now become true americans and embrace our values. Children are not they need to go back to their country of origin.

  18. Kate Steinle permanently separated from her family.

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