Brenham city officials will meet once again Thursday to continue talks on a comprehensive plan update.

The Brenham City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Board of Adjustment will all meet to discuss the city’s current plan, and its ongoing efforts to develop a new plan.

Officials from the planning firm Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC) have hosted several activities over the past few months, including background surveys with city departments, sessions with small groups and the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, and several joint workshops and town hall meetings.

These past meetings have provided KKC with the input and foundation needed to provide the Existing and Future City portions of the plan.  The consultant has completed the Existing City portion, and is completing final drafts of the Future City portion, known as Plan 2040: Historic Past, Bold Future.

The purpose of this workshop will be to have city agencies review all the research done, determine where they stand on the proposed action items in the plan, and provide feedback related to implementation and prioritization of those items.

The meeting is open to the public, and will be held Thursday at 11:30 a.m., at City Hall.  There will also be an open house meeting discussing the plan Thursday night from 5 to 7 p.m., at the Barnhill Center.

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  1. We have contacted the city of Brenham planner several times for the past year about a RV Park, and a Manufactured Home Park. The RV Park will generate loads of tourist dollars being spent in Brenham. This will provide affordable housing with a new manufactured home park. Does the new compression plan create these needed areas? We are asking since our questions have not been answered and we have been waiting for months.

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