The Burton School Board will discuss several items related to campus safety at its virtual meeting Monday.

Members of the Burton School Board hold an in-person meeting in March. Monday's meeting will be held virtually.

Trustees will consider selecting a delivery method, choosing an architect, and adopting a prevailing wage rate for office vestibule upgrades to address safety and security at the central, elementary, and high school offices.

The board will also look to give authority to Superintendent Dr. Edna Kennedy to negotiate the necessary construction contracts for the vestibule project.  In addition, it will consider adopting an international building code for the vestibules.

Also on Monday’s agenda, the board will address improvements plans for the district, as well as the elementary and secondary campuses.  It will also consider the 2019-20 ESL program evaluation, along with a proposal for custodial services.

Trustees will also hear reports from the superintendent, principals, and athletic director.  They will then consider any new hirings or resignations before meeting in executive session to discuss personnel and district safety and security.

The board will meet Monday evening at 6 p.m.  The public is invited to participate in the meeting using the log-in or call-in information below.  Anyone looking to submit public comments must email ekennedy@stu.burtonisd.net between 5:15 and 5:45 p.m. Monday evening to be included in the meeting.

Click here to join via Zoom.  Use meeting ID 816 2821 9955, password 665038

To participate via phone: call 1(346)-248-7799, use meeting ID 816 2821 9955 and password 665038

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  1. So, I guess the band hall is going on the back burner..yet again. There are holes in the floor, covered up with plywood (not repaired, mind you)! When is that going to get fixed??? How about replacing the band hall metal building with another one?

  2. Maybe they should look into a new band hall since majority of the floor has holes in it and it is dangerous to the students. That should have been a priority before a new gate was installed.

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