Superintendent Dr. Tylor Chaplin

Brenham ISD held their first informational meeting on the upcoming bond election Monday with the Washington County Ladies Lions Club.  Superintendent Dr. Tylor Chaplin presented the ladies with the facts on the upcoming bond election set for Tuesday November 8th.  The new bond election will be in two parts.  Proposition A will include construction of the Junior High School for grades 6 through 8 and conversion of the current middle school to a fourth elementary school. The population of Brenham is expected to increase by 1500 in the next 5 years.  Brenham is not far from being overcrowded in the current 3 elementary schools.  Dr. Chaplin explains:


Proposition B of the new bond election will modernize and expand the current Career and Technical Education (CTE) facilities.  Students involved in the CTE program generally do not drop out of school.    Dr. Chaplin explains:


The cost of Proposition A of the bond election is $111 million or an estimated 15 cent increase to the current tax rate of $.9346 per $100 dollar valuation.  Proposition B is expected to be $25 million or a 3.6 cent increase to the current tax rate.

Two public meetings on the bond will be held in October at Brenham Junior High School.  They are scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 6th and Tuesday, October 25th.

Early voting for the bond election is set for October 24th to November 4th.  Election Day will be Tuesday, November 8th.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. The Washington County unemployment rate is hovering around in three and four percentage levels and we are seeing one construction project announced after another. You can fault BISD for not providing better information about their specific proposals. That’s fair game. But there is a demonstrated need for the facilities and they’re intended to further the education of our children, and we are not in a bad position in the grand scheme of things.

    If you want to retire then retire. But ask yourself, who is going to contribute to unfunded social security, medicare, medicaid, and so many of the other federal and state mandates of all sorts that you will enjoy? The kids will, but they won’t contribute as much if your own greed saps their earning power or results in a less capable local workforce. Who will provide the services you demand in order to retire comfortably? What kind of a person do you want changing your diaper when you’re in a memory care unit? That’s what we are talking about and trust me, you want that person to be brought up well.

    Pay it forward. Honor our kids as your parents honored you. And hold our elected officials to task, too. Strike a balance. Make them give us a fair deal, but please at least seek a deal.

    And that’s coming from someone that’s on the fence.

    1. For one thing , I paid for my ss, the government stole it ,and now it’s Peter pay Paul. Not my fault. Next thing, if the population goes up, then what happens to all the new revenue from the Style Craft, and DR Horten subdivisions? I am a senior citizen, and I paid my fair share of school taxes, it’s time for these new parents to pay forward

  2. I think this is beyond insulting that they continue to push this outrageous bond down on our citizens throats. IT IS RECESSION. We are eating rice and beans trying to pay our taxes and food. Stop trying to push your way around and take NO for an answer. These kids are going to still be stars in this jr high mom and dads. Another year down the road. Stop insulting us.

  3. This is all well and good, but look at this from a business point of view……we are in a recessed state, people are struggling now, all costs are up, your numbers are still not valid just pie in the sky. You know as well as everyone else that you will have to figure 20% for contingencies…..and your numbers are not a “not to exceed”……….bad business all the way around sorry I’m a no vote

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