Washington County Expo Director
Harrison Williams speaks with
county commissioners on Tuesday
about the effort to use the state's
portion of hotel occupancy tax
funds to make improvements at
the Washington County Expo.

Washington County Commissioners passed a resolution today (Tuesday) in favor of utilizing state hotel occupancy tax (HOT) dollars to benefit the Washington County Expo.

The resolution asks the state to establish a Project Financing Zone (PFZ) and make the Expo the designated project site.  Expo Director Harrison Williams said this would allow the county to use the state’s allocation of HOT funds for projects in the designated funding zone that are meant to increase tourism.

Williams said this program has been implemented in larger cities and communities, and that, for Washington County specifically, this would go toward targeted projects that include mending roofs, repairing asphalt and improving bathrooms at the Expo.

According to Williams, conservative estimates would give the county about $600,000 annually to use for debt service payments on bonds or go straight into individual projects, depending on their scope.  County Judge John Durrenberger emphasized that no local tax dollars or tax rates are involved in this, and this will not hurt what the City of Brenham or the county would normally receive in HOT revenue.

Williams said the next step is to advocate to get a bill passed in the Texas Legislature, noting that the county has received support in conversations with the city and local hoteliers. 

Commissioner Misti Hartstack Corn said this method would be “a fantastic way” to fund these projects, but asked how confident Williams was that a bill could pass, given where the legislative session currently sits.  Durrenberger replied that he has been in regular contact on this matter with State Representative Trey Wharton, who is awaiting it and has sent several requests to get the resolution to him as soon as possible. 

Commissioner Kirk Hanath said it is great that counties are offered an opportunity to receive these state funds and offset the cost of future plans to drive tourism, supporting local hoteliers.  Durrenberger said the sales tax revenue generated from the added tourism, reducing local tax burden, means this is “a win-win.”

In other business related to the Expo, commissioners approved an agreement with PlanNorth Architectural Co. for engineering/architectural and site planning services, along with an agreement for professional services with Hodde & Hodde Land Surveying for professional land surveying services, as they relate to projects at the Expo site and other county sites.  Williams said these agreements are needed to get the rodeo arena project underway.

A copy of the resolution adopted by Washington County Commissioners on Tuesday in support of using state hotel occupancy tax funding to support upgrades at the Washington County Expo.

Also at today’s meeting, the court:

  • Received a feasibility report from PlanNorth for the old ATS Irrigation building at 2509 Highway 105, planned for use as office space and records storage.  Commissioners then authorized the county judge to negotiate an amendment to the county’s contract with PlanNorth to enter into the design phase of the file storage facility.
  • Held workshop discussion with Strategic Government Resources related to strategic planning efforts for Washington County.
  • Tabled a change order to the contract between the county and Phoenix I Restoration and Construction for courthouse life safety repairs.  The repairs were initially approved at the court’s meeting on January 28th.  Commissioner Kirk Hanath said the change order needed to be reviewed by the Texas Historical Commission before being considered by commissioners.  
  • Approved the purchase of a new ice maker for the Expo from Triple T Refrigeration in the amount of $5,880.
  • Received a presentation of memorandum with results of 2024 tax phase-in compliance and approved a resolution adopting the guidelines and criteria for granting tax phase-in in the county.
  • Approved the county’s procurement card program policies and procedures, along with the county’s cash handling policy.  County Auditor Shawna Hollis said the procurement cards can limit purchases to certain categories of items, so they are safer than standard credit cards, and they can also be reconciled.
  • Renewed the county’s agreement with Brannon Industrial Group to provide labor at the annual spring cleanup event, during the county days, at the BVR Collection Station.
  • Approved a subdivision variance request for a land division fronting Pleasant Hill School Road, consisting of 62.22 acres in Precinct 2.
  • Approved a subdivision variance request for a land division fronting Wauls Legion Road, consisting of 28.48 acres in Precinct 3.
  • Approved a final plat for Wellmann Road Estates located along Wellmann Road, consisting of four lots in Precinct 1.
  • Approved a job description for assistant auditor-procurement. 
  • Received the Information Technology Department’s quarterly report.
  • Received formal notice from Industry Telephone Company for new service line installation along the county right-of-way of North Turkey Creek Road and Raymond Lehmann Lane in Precinct 4.  No action was needed.
  • Accepted certification of completion by Precinct 1 Commissioner Misti Hartstack Corn of the Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551.005(c) and Public Information Act Training Government Code Section 551.012(e) through the Attorney General’s Office, to be maintained in public records.
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