The 17th case of COVID-19 in Washington County has been confirmed by local health officials.

According to the Washington County EMS website, the case was identified as a woman in her 20s.  The woman is currently recovering at home under self-quarantine.  She is believed to have contracted the virus through community spread.

The single case was confirmed Wednesday, a day after seven new cases were confirmed.

As of this (Thursday) morning, two of the 17 cases are hospitalized.  All cases are believed to have been transmitted through community spread.

The full list of confirmed cases is available at www.washingtoncountyems.net/covid-19-confirmed-cases.  The site will occasionally go down if it is being updated with new information.

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  1. Omg give me a break every day citizen is totally right this is absurdity for nobody to do anything departure for Washington on the Brazos is for the cycle list. We are congregating you’re off from Houston or Austin what are their numbers you’re ridiculous if you don’t think that this judge in the county commissioners need to do something it’s not an all about money is it I’m a nurse and this is ridiculous we need to be shelteringIn place of the whole population is going to have it open your eyes ladies

  2. Please assume every single individual is an asymptomatic carrier. I know we are spread apart in Washington County, but we are not faring as well as our neighbors. Notice the number of cases per 100,000 people. (Source: New York Times)
    Washington (48.9 per 100k), Burleson (5.6 per 100k), Fayette (16 per 100k), Brazos (28.7 per 100k), Waller (6 per 100k), Austin (6.8 per 100k), Grimes (10.9 per 100k), Austin (6.8 per 100k). Lee County just announced its first case yesterday.

    1. Just the Facts,

      Your comment says it all! Thanks for this useful information!

    2. Great point, Just the Facts.

      Reading it and actually seeing the numbers leaves quite the impression on what’s happening in Brenham.

      I still can’t believe the folks with the “we’re rural, we’ll be ok” mindset had that mindset to begin with. Being 70 miles from Houston isn’t far at all and a major highway runs right through the community!

  3. Question: Businesses have been closed for more than 7 days for cleaning due to suspected exposure to the virus. If the longest that the virus can survive on inanimate surfaces is 5 days, won’t it die off naturally? Whereas the insertion of people to clean could infect the premises if they have been in contact with the virus or if they come in contact with the virus which is already there.
    John W

    1. If they are disinfecting and sanitizing properly they will suit up before entering the property spray eachother with the disinfectant etc.

  4. And at what point will the County Judge or commissioners do anything proactive to try to slow this! Remember their actions come their cycle on the ballots!!!

    1. What do you mean “proactive”? They have the guidelines as set by the CDC and acted accordingly. It is now up to us to be “proactive”.

      1. Anna is 100% correct. Don’t put it on anyone but yourself. You will be better off.

        1. She may be correct, as far as the CDC guidelines, but those guidelines are only baseline for what a community should be doing.

          Commissioners could be doing more and are not.

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