Four new COVID-19 cases were confirmed this (Thursday) afternoon, bringing up Washington County’s total case count to 31, and the active case count to 27.

The four cases confirmed by Washington County EMS were in three men, one in his 40s and two in their 50s, and one woman in her 70s.  One of the patients is currently hospitalized, along with three other previous patients.

Three patients are reported to have recovered from the virus.  A recovered case is defined as someone who has been fever free for 72 hours without fever reducing medications, and it has been seven days after the onset of symptoms.

One patient, who was said to have suffered from multiple underlying medical conditions, died last Friday.

EMS officials believe all cases at this point to have been transmitted through community spread.

The full list of confirmed cases in Washington County is available at www.washingtoncountyems.net/covid-19-confirmed-cases.  To visit the JIC website providing COVID-19 information, click here.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. As I was driving from corner of Pecan & S.Market a house there that has many occupants had a front yard full of visitors. The police need to monitor the major streets & start issuing tickets. None of the people had mask, no social distancing whatsoever & these are the people that mingle in the community go next door to DQ & across to convenience store. This needs to be halted by issuing tickets. Sad fact that many of us are abiding now going on 4th week but way too many are not. City police please start enforcing.

  2. Management needs to practice CDC practice. CDC practice requires self-distancing. Self-distancing requires separate office areas. Anything else or other imposed working conditions would be considered negligence.

  3. Make One day a day to get out and get all the essential items you need and then shut the town down! Let’s see about the number of cases then!

    1. Sadly ppl should be doing that already,go shopping one time,then stay home,these numbers will get higher,many are infected not showing symptoms yet….this is a vicious 2 week cycle,that keeps repeating itself till it runs out of “hosts”

  4. My sister works at city offices. In Houston my office is significantly closed except for mailroom where all deliveries are disinfected and then held for two days before inter office deliveries. We work on rotation two or three day weeks without interaction except by phone. Without entering other occupied offices. I thank my employer for caring about us and letting us work in a safe environment. Looks like the small towns still don’t get it and don’t believe in the CDC safe distancing requirements. It will be sad when this pandemic becomes a reality as a result of business management negligence. If office management don’t exercise best practices for pandemic control then the management will learn what CDC has been preaching the hard way and at the suffering expense of innocent employees.

    1. I must state that I am tiring of the constant barrage from critics who wish to poke at Brenham, Washington County, and our area in general for the handling of the COVID-19 crisis. The fact is that this area, like Houston and other areas, are dealing with human beings who respond to things differently. Like Houston, many in this area are taking every precaution possible, sometimes to an extreme, and others are take little to no precautions, sometimes to the point of irresponsibility. The “shut her down”: panic crowd and the “life should continue as normal” crowd need to get over themselves. Common sense practices like social distancing, aggressive hand washing, face masks if you wish, gloves, and other things will do a lot to stop this. If you have a compromised immune system, stay home. There is help available. The constant over-reactions is getting tiresome.

      1. There are almost 90,000 reported cases in New York right now, I doubt this virus cares about how anyone feels on either side of this “debate”.

  5. Thank you for your timely updates and related Coronavirus information. So good to see some have recovered.

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