Two people face drug charges after Wednesday traffic stop by Brenham Police.

Police pulled over a vehicle in the 1300 block of Prairie Lea St.

During the stop, 29-year old Jeffery Todd Paul Jr., of Rosenburg was charged with Possession of Marijuana and Possession of a Controlled Substance.

The passenger, 27-year old Donzell Dupree Harris of Las Vegas, NV, was taken into custody for Possession of Marijuana.

Both were taken to the Washington County Jail.

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  1. Anyone that does not know the reason marijuana is illegal will probably never know. Anyone that thinks marijuana is dangerous needs to park outside any establishment that serves alcohol and just wait for closing time. Liars, cheats and thieves make up our government. My father always said that all we need are tall trees and short ropes to solve the problem in our government. To be honest we must cleanse both sides of the isle.

  2. ‘ l give you every herb bearing seed, ‘ said God what God gives no man can take asunder (paraphrasing) read your Bible people l’ am preaching. like Daddy George!

    1. Just because something was created by God does not mean that it should become an idol. Alcohol, drugs, and loads of other things become people’s idols, and they fail to fulfill their place in God’s creation because they are dominated by their devotion to the idol. Have you ever known anyone to break into their workplace and work when they’re not supposed to be there? Do churches have problems with parishioners breaking in to worship at all hours? Some of the lowest rates of Christianity and productivity are in countries that have legalized drugs. I guess you’d say that God wants us to have idols and be non-productive people?

  3. Law Enforcement is wasting their time busting people for marijuana? Doing this seems more like an economic plan to keep making money and making people criminals. These politicians and law enforcement officials need to take their knee off of people’s wallets. Funny how my ancestors existed for thousands of years with this plant and then the white man comes 9ver and makes it illegal.

    1. Im white,And i have friends of many colors,There good colors,Im rite there amongst them.well said Brother.

    2. Have you ever wondered how it is that the “white man” got to be in such a position of power as to dictate that a drug is illegal?
      You can say they oppressed people to get it, but just how did it come to be that they could oppress people in the first place?
      Do you think that the people the “white man” conquered across the globe over the last 500 years were pacifists that did not do horrible things to their own people, and people of other tribes or states on a massive scale? Conquest is something all tribes did and do, but not all tribes are created equal or consistently make good decisions. Life is hard, its harder when you’re stupid, and even harder when you’re stupid and on drugs, natural or otherwise.

      1. so your saying that whites are a “tribe” and its natural to try and dominate others that are different? sorry dominate a different tribe? You sound very similar to a short man with a terrible mustache.

      2. Wouldn’t it be even more clever of them to hide the fact that the “law’ never passed into positive law. But no one knows, shhhh. They have so many volunteers for jail, why would tell, lol.

  4. My question is how much weed did they have weed up
    To a certain amount is leagle to have in possion

    1. I think that any possession of marijuana is still against the law. However, amounts of 2 oz or less are harder to prosecute because of the new testing and hemp products market.
      If you think that the police have made a mistake and they illegally arrested these two, the police station is just outside the loop on FM 389 and I’m sure they would welcome any protest.

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