No local or area bars are included in a list of a dozen businesses across the state that had their permits suspended this weekend by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

After three nights of “Operation Safe Open”, the TABC found evidence to suspend the permits of 12 bars across Texas during these undercover investigations.

Operation Safe Open is an effort by TABC agents to inspect businesses across Texas to ensure they’re following protocols to slow the spread of COVID-19. These requirements include indoor customer capacity limits of 50% for bars and 75% for restaurants, along with social distancing of at least 6 feet between groups of customers.

The businesses issued an emergency order for a 30-day permit suspension are:

Handlebar Houston, Houston
BARge 25, Seabrook
Harris House of Heroes, Dallas
The New PR's, Fort Worth
UnBARlievable (West 6th), Austin
Little Woodrow's, Lubbock
Coconuts, El Paso

Buford's Backyard Beer Garden, Austin
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot Icehouse, Austin

Werk Bar, El Paso
Marty's Live, Dallas
Elevate Night Club, McAllen

TABC officials say they are strictly monitoring bar and restaurant activity and will pursue emergency license suspensions if there are violations that are a threat to public health and safety.

The first infraction will result in up to a 30-day license suspension, and the second will result in up to a 60-day suspension.


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  1. The violating businesses were all in cities. TABC does not begin to have the personnel to cover the rural areas. Most of Texas is rural. The Covid cases in Texas are climbing at a far faster rate than ever according to the CDC. As the president stated in his speech in Tulsa, if we don’t test, then we will have fewer cases and that is why he has asked his governors to eliminate testing sites. If Texas citizens want a test, they must go to a special contracted urgent care facility and pay dearly for one. Texas has one of the highest uninsured populations, And Covid infections will continue to climb and an unaware public will suffer. A well informed public is a safer public, and this depends on responsible, Independent media.

      1. what is your issue and why must you make everything political? I see you on every post hiding behind “cub fan” and you never add to the conversation. you come in attacking the “left” when neither side if politics, local or national, have handled this properly. if youre not bringing facts or something to enhance the conversation please stop the left vs right rhetoric. its embarrassing Washington County as a whole

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