A Modified 2021 “Celebrate Our Seniors” Program is set for later this year.

For the first time since its inception in 2004 and due to the COVID pandemic, the “Celebrate Our Seniors” (COS) program did not hold its 2020 annual program.

Due to the lingering affects of the virus, an in-person program will again not be held in 2021.  However, a modified program will be held during August 2021.  This modified program will include the collection and distribution of ‘senior care packages’ to citizens in area nursing homes and in private residences.

These senior care packages will be stocked with socks, hand lotion and sanitizer, fragrances, puzzles and coloring books, handwritten cards from children, pens and notecards, and other personal care items.

Individuals, churches, clubs, and companies are asked to support these care packages (through supplies and monetary donations) by contacting the non-profit Brenham Community Festival at 2668 Hwy 36 S., Suite #244, Brenham, TX 77833, or email, or telephone (979) 830-5555.

As in years past, the COS program also plans to honor select senior citizens for their unheralded, lifelong contributions to Washington County communities.  Community input is requested through honoree recommendations.  Input may be submitted on the COS website at

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