Brenham Animal Services is cautioning the public after receiving a report of a bobcat sighting at Hohlt Park.

A bobcat in Livermore, California.

Animal Services Manager Allison Harper said her department received a call Wednesday regarding the sighting, which she said is the first that the city is aware of.

Residents who encounter wild animals like bobcats or coyotes are advised to remove any food or water sources, including cat and dog food and bird seed, and block off any areas the animals can use as a den site.

Harper said bobcat and coyote sightings are not uncommon in many urban areas due to the number of den sites and food availability.

The City of Brenham has an ordinance pertaining to the feeding of community cats.  The ordinance requires the sterilization and vaccination of community cats being fed by residents.

The ordinance was created in part to help eliminate the amount of food being left out, as food can attract rodents, which can then attract larger animals that hunt the rodents as prey.  According to Harper, Brenham Animal Services has recently addressed this issue with residents feeding cats in the park.

Harper said residents who own a pet under 20 pounds and have bobcat or coyote sightings in their area should not leave their pet outside unattended.  She said small dogs being walked on-leash are safest when on a regular leash, as opposed to the retractable-type leash that allows dogs to walk a long distance ahead.

For more information about bobcats, go to, or call Brenham Animal Services at 979-337-7351.

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  1. These Bobcats have lived in this park for several years now. Leave them alone they are not bothering anyone. People need to quit feeding the feral cats out there. Someone is going to get bit.

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