Brenham Next Director Brittany O'Quinn and Ladies
Lions Club President Linda Kocian (Linda Oberhoff)

Several organizations benefitted from the generosity of the Washington County Ladies Lions Club during the month of July.

The Club made two donations from their 9th Annual fundraiser. The local selection was Brenham Next and the Lions charity was Texas Lions Camp.

Brenham Next director Brittany O’Quinn was presented with a $5,000 donation. Brenham Next partners with the Brenham ISD and the community to provide a safe place where students can love, learn and lead.

Texas Lions Camp Director Vance Elliott and Ladies Lions Club
President Linda Kocian (Linda Oberhoff)

Past District Governor and Texas Lions Camp Director Lion Vance Elliott of Columbus accepted the $5,000 donation. Texas Lions Camp is a residential summer camp for children with physical disabilities, Type 1 diabetes, cancer, and children with special medical needs.   

The Club held their annual recycling event with members collecting aluminum cans for the month and proceeds from the recycling of the cans being donated to a local food pantry.

Ladies Lions Club member Charlotte Mulligan and
Bread Partners volunteers (Linda Oberhoff)

For 2024, the donation is being made to Bread Partners of Washington County. Several of the Ladies Lions Club members also volunteer at Bread Partners. Brenham Bread Partners volunteer and Lion Charlotte Mulligan presented a $100 check to Bread Partners.

Lastly, after a recent service project, the Ladies Lions selected Brenham Game Changers to receive the proceeds from the project. Brenham Game Changers were looking for donations for school supplies for Brenham ISD students. Krause Elementary School Assistant Principal and Game Changers member Toni Ortega accepted a donation of $500 to sponsor half a classroom. Game Changers raise funds each year to provide items for student’s classroom needs.

Game Changers presentation (Linda Oberhoff)
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