Nicole Gilbert and Brett Mouser explain the AVID program.

The Brenham School board listened to a presentation about the AVID program at their meeting Monday evening.  The AVID program is being implemented at both the Junior High and High School campuses.  The program is designed to provide tutoring and support to students who are interested in going to college, but may lack the support at home to do so.  Many of these students would be the first person in their family to go to college.   Currently, AVID is elective class that students must qualify and be selected for.  Brenham Junior High Principal Bryan Bryant explains:

The program provides tutoring in core subjects and activities such as college campus visits to get students thinking about college.  Bryan Bryant explains that it benefits not only the college bound students, but the entire campus:

Several administrators in the district have had experience with AVID before they came to Brenham, including Bryant, High School Principal Joe Chandler and Superintendent Walter Jackson.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Christopher is very articulate and knows his history and makes the point that I can’t. I’m the kick you in the face and he can tell you the facts as they are.

  2. Get rekt kid. You think you could “write a book” about it? Many, many people already have, and many, many people have studied these problems. I’ve read hundreds of the books, and examined hundreds of the studies. You should try the same. You are regurgitating, nearly verbatim, the same exact ‘arguments’ I’ve heard my whole life in this town, without ever, EVER offering your OWN “answer that will work.” You just whine about having responsibilities toward society, and throw tantrums about paying your bills. Every problem is someone else’s fault for you; the poor, city management, Socialists, black people, immigrants, whatever. You think that if everyone thought exactly as you do, then all of these problems could be resolved in a day. Time to grow up and hence the guy’s advice to seek out your pastor to see where you guys are “going wrong,” since you’re not likely to listen to anyone else since they don’t think exactly as you do.

  3. Bottom line is that AVID and programs like are not about education but about raising our children. It appears that parents just can’t be held responsible anymore and the state makes a much better mom and dad. Why do those kids live with parents at all?

    A big part of AVID is about values, who’s values?

    1. I am puzzled by the spin some seem to be placing on this article. They are speaking of values, but the article and the recordings are all discussing educational strategies, that is completely proper within the academic environment. We also have classes that teach people how to use computers, repair cars, cook food, make clothing, learn basic accounting skills, etc. Why is a class that identifies academic deficiencies in certain students skill seeks to correct those to prepare the student for further academic and career success such a bad thing? We use taxpayer dollars to pay for all those other classes, how is this any different? I guess I just see what all the opposition is about!

  4. Evidently your a renter. And this is just another entitlement. I have more money than I need really. BUT I EARNED IT AND IT WILL GO TO MY CHILDREN. you see I raised them right in a two parent household. My two grandchildren will be good citizens without this program. That’s my last point. You won’t ever see it ever.

    1. You can pay a little for a short time to educate them or you can pay a lot for their lifetime to support them with welfare.

    2. I am a local property owner, kind sir. And evidently you don’t understand the purpose or use of the ‘reply’ button.

    3. I am a property owning taxing paying married conservative with school aged children who does not like paying any more taxes than I have to. With that being said, I have heard the saying “we can educate now or incarcerate later”. While that may be somewhat extreme, the essential truth is that if we do not properly equip kids with the ability to succeed in a higher education environment they will fail. Many children are blessed to have parents who have both the interest and the ability to assist/support them with their education. Sadly many do not! Another old saying is that I can “feed them fish for a day, or teach them how to fish for a life time”. Programs like this if managed and ran well will equip students to succeed for a lifetime. This investment will pay dividends to our society by producing income earning, taxpaying citizens who are not a burden on society. If you hate paying taxes, then support programs that will create taxpayers, not entitled dependents who cannot make it without government assistance. This is a common sense issue.

    4. Oh, I’m afraid we see your “last point” all too clearly. Since you raised your kids “right” in a two parent household, then by implication, you don’t see why you should pay for kids that weren’t raised “right” in a single parent household. This implies that you desire to punish children for the mistakes of their parents, as well as commits the fallacy of assuming that all children in need of this support are the products of single parent households. I commend you for your “Christian” attitude. I’ll extend your argument for you; perhaps if you supported abortion, these kids wouldn’t have even been born.

      1. Exactly. You have it right. You are a socialist. It won’t matter what I say at this point. You are a product of this past administration. If and when I give at my Christian church is none of your business also.

        1. I vote straight Republican, buddy, so I guess that makes me a socialist..? And clearly, it doesn’t matter what anyone says to you. Your attitude as displayed in these comments indicates clearly that you are no true Christian. Ask your pastor to read over this exchange; perhaps you’ll listen to him as he explains how you’re going wrong.

          1. The same could be said of you and me and any other Christian, I have no doubt about that. Some hide it better, others put it forth without reservation, but we’re all sinners.

            The point of Citizen Z is that government run programs that tout that they’re going to take over for parents or provide for someone have all failed. And by failed, I mean that since the inception of the programs of the “Great Society” the problems have increased, they have not remained a constant percent of the population or decreased. Since the mid 60’s, the poor have increased and become intergenerational dependents, single mothers have also increased among them as well and the family unit is now punished. I could write a book on this. More children are neglected than ever and folks like you seem to want more of the same while Citizen Z and myself want an answer that will work. When you think about it, it is you and people like you that have not helped but rather harmed your neighbor(s). 60 years to prove how the Great Society programs have failed is more than enough. Time to move on to holding the parents accountable and creating buy-in for those in assistance programs.
            What and whose values does AVID teach anyway? Do you think they are Christian?

  5. Good you pay for it ! But Iv been paying taxes for over 50 years and can hardly pay my taxes as it is. DON’T RAISE MINE ANY MORE CAUSE YOU THINK IT’S A GOOD IDEA. I get a vote too.

    1. But if you’re the wealthy retired beneficiary of an education from back when it meant something (the 3 R’s), then you should have no problem paying your taxes. Or did I miss something and we now owe more in taxes than we earn? I think what you mean is, you don’t want to give up any of your income for any reason, and I can understand that. I’d like to propose to our state and federal legislators a new law that allows households and ALL of their direct descendants, into eternity, to be exempt from any and all taxes, forever, so long as each and every one of them never leaves the ‘homeplace.’ Ever. Not for medical care, banking, ag products, visiting friends, church, NOTHING. In this way they can truly be free of the nasty onus of being ‘members’ of society.

    1. AVID would be paid for by us the taxpayers, and I for one am glad to see something like this. There are so many kids that lack even the most basic support at home to help them with their education and improve their skills. In many cases the parents lack the skills and in some cases the desire to help their kids. This appears to help fill that gap. We as a society will only be better for things like this, it is an investment in our kids that hopefully will pay off in a big way.

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