District changes shown in last week's article

The Brenham City Council has placed on the agenda another item addressing the zoning change during their Thursday Council meeting. The meeting will be at 1pm at City Hall, and this time, the agenda item states the council will discuss and possible act upon Resolution R-No.-17-010, which is:

Providing an Amendment of the City of Brenham’s “Envision 2020” Comprehensive Future Land Use Map to Change the Districts on Various Tracts of Land Bounded By/Or Adjacent to S. Austin St., W. First St., S. Market St. S Baylor St., S. Park St., and S. Church St., from Combination of Agriculture/Undeveloped, Single Family, Commercial/Retail, and Warehouse/Industrial Districts to a Mixed Use District in Brenham, Washington County, Texas.

The city is also considering a request to change the zoning from a Commercial, Research and Technology Use (B-2) District and Industrial District (I) to a proposed Neighborhood Business District (B-4) with an overlay to include some residential uses.

KWHI previously reported the businesses allowed by the new structure, though a number of businesses would not be allowed including: automobile parts sales, banks, bowling alleys, motels and hotels (not including bed and breakfasts) mortuaries, and pet shops.

Previously, Development Services Director Erik Smith stated that, "Any business that is currently in the new proposed district is grandfathered.” He further added that, "The City will not take any action towards anyone that is existing nonconforming. If the business goes out of business they can still sell it to a nonconforming business of the same use for a one year period and still be considered grandfathered. They can also ask for an additional six month extension from the Board of Adjustments. If this time period expires the new use would have to be compliant."

Also on the agenda will be the termination with Lim Services Industries for their janitorial work and final payment to Coons Construction for work on the M. M. Wesley Memorial Serenity Garden and related park improvements totaling $25,301. The Council will also accept a Libraries and Literacy Grant to develop tools and resources to assist with adult literacy issues, for which the City is eligible for up to $2,000.

There will be a noise variance request and an agreement with TxDOT to close the downtown streets for Hot Nights, Cool Tunes in July, and a workshop to discuss possible amendments to design and construction standards and Main St. initiatives.

Also, there will be a retirement of Don Bolenbarr and street superintendent Leslie Kelm, and service recognition of Wende Ragonis (5 years) and Bobby Branham, (25 years).

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One Comment

  1. Mr. Erik Smith,
    Specifically where will the parking be located for these new business requirements? I did not see the parking area on the city map. Where will the trash dumpsters go? we have plenty of dumpsters on the side of the streets already. How long will it take to complete the parking area? Can the new businesses open before the new parking lot is built? If so, where will the people park, there is barely enough parking downtown already? Please answer my five simple questions.

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