Brenham ISD is celebrating its diversity during National Hispanic Heritage Month—scheduled from September 15th-thru-October 15th.

Of the District’s 5,000 students, 35 percent are Hispanic and represent a number of Spanish-speaking countries.

As a way to recognize and celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month with the Community, each campus in the Brenham ISD will make daily announcements to highlight great Hispanic cultural leaders throughout history, as well as share traditions from Spanish-speaking countries.

Informational posters, created by Brenham ISD teachers Maggy Paramore and Sarah Montes, will be posted on each campus.  Also, the district’s website: will have access to various digital materials.


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  1. More identity politics started by the great leftist progressive LBJ.

    Since the US public education system seems so invested into fragmenting the population, where is German- American Heritage recognition that runs concurrently with Hispanic Heritage Month?

    The numbers are about the same with hispanics at 35.6% and whites a 36.9% average at our elementary schools so neither has a true minority status . Or is that white children have nothing in the eyes of our local ISD worthy of heritage? What is it called when one race is favored over another?

    Did you know that many schools in Texas don’t enforce proof of citizenship and thus school boards and their administrators waterdown and degrade the education to the children of the property tax payers that provide 70% of funding to the school. I don’t know that Brenham does that but the breakdown at the Early childhood learning center is 51.1% Hispanic, 33.8 African American, 10.9% White, 2.6 percent two or more races, and 1.5% Asain.

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