Washington County confirmed two new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend, bringing the total case count to 19.

According to Washington County EMS, the two patients are men in their 70s and 90s, and are currently hospitalized.

The two cases were confirmed by the county Sunday, after going since Wednesday without any newly confirmed cases.

Of the 19 confirmed cases, four are currently hospitalized, and one patient has now recovered from the virus.  A recovered case is defined as someone who has been fever free for 72 hours without fever reducing medications, and it has been seven days after the onset of symptoms.

All cases are believed to have been transmitted through community spread.

The full list of confirmed cases can be found at www.washingtoncountyems.net/covid-19-confirmed-cases.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. This virus is VERY contagious. We, like Italy, have large elderly population. Anyone can say when these folks get sick and die: “They were old and sick anyway’. Like that should pacify the masses. Well, I have some old folks I am very fond of and one day they will leave this world. I just hope it is not prematurely and not caused by a virus that suffocated them while I watch. I do everything I can to keep them safe. Yes, they stay in. Yes we wash out hands. But it is not enough or this would be over. I am certain that if we knew the actual exponential rate of infection in our county we would be horrified. Why would anyone be so naive or brazen as to think Washington county is different from all the counties around us? This is not the flu! This is serious. Ask any other state or country of it’s just a flu. Soon, if not already, it will be too late to slow this down. People beg Judge Durrenbuerger to take action because ultimately the decision is his. The fault will fall at his feet just as the gratitude will.

  2. Plasma… Recovered patients, please donate your plasma and keep it local! This may make the difference in recovery. Thank you!

  3. I think it’s time for Baylor Scott & White to report on how many people asked to be tested for COVID-19, but were denied based on CDC guidelines and the limited testing resources.

    Per the NY Times on April 6: A new study by disease modelers at the University of Texas at Austin calculated the probability of an epidemic per U.S. county, defining an epidemic as an outbreak that grows exponentially, eventually infecting a large fraction of the population. People who have been infected and have mild symptoms, or none at all, can pass the disease to others. Those cases are a prime driver of the outbreaks.
    Washington County, 98%
    Brazos County, 100%
    Grimes County, 79%
    Waller County, 91%
    Austin County, 84%
    Fayette County, 84%
    Lee County, 51%
    Burleson County, 51%
    From the University of Texas report: “Given the low testing rates throughout the country, we assume that one in ten cases are tested and reported. Proactive social distancing, even before two cases are confirmed, is prudent.”

    1. Save the tests for those who need it. What value is it to know how many did not get tested because they did not meet CDC guidelines? A lot of people just want to get tested because they worry too much or don’t trust the fact that they are feeling healthy. Stop the blame on our local government and health care providers.

      Wash your hands often, don’t touch your face, social distance, wear recommended protection, and limit public contact.

      1. I totally agree. First health care providers/medical responders (including EMT/fire) & possible cases , Next police and other’s who have to interact with the public such as retail workers. We have far too many fools in our country who, if shown free of COVID-19, will get out & about as if they are forever safe

      2. Okay, people who have it don’t need to know and should just keep going to work and walking around HEB? because not everyone is symptomatic ( that means they don’t have a fever or breathing trouble, etc.). They don’t know they are infecting others. This is a contributing factor in the exponential spread of this disease. Remember Typhoid Mary? If not, look it up….

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