A Brenham Middle School student is facing felony assault charges after Brenham police say he attacked a Brenham ISD employee.

According to a report from Brenham Police Chief Ron Parker, School Resource Officers responded Wednesday at 11:15 a.m. after campus administrators reported an alleged assault on the employee.

Police said the 12-year-old student was being unruly in the classroom, and teachers attempted to place him under control using verbal techniques.  Campus administrators were called to assist, and the student walked out of the classroom and attempted to leave down a hallway.

The police report said school employees attempted to stop him from leaving when he physically attacked and assaulted a female campus administrator by striking her twice, tearing her clothing and physically causing her pain from the assault.  He was eventually placed under control, and police were summoned.

The student was taken into custody after statements and an investigation.  He was transported to juvenile probation, and two counts of Assault on a Public Servant, a third degree felony, have been filed.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. This problem has evolved over the last few decades. It started when “God” was removed from school…and we all let it. The Bible is full of information on how we are supposed to behave and treat others. But a couple of evil, self serving rich people started a process of eliminating the atmosphere of Love and Care that is promoted throughout the Bible. You don’t believe in God? Why not simply use it as a “book” guide to live by. Ever read the 10 commandments? Tell me one of those that’s not good to live by. The vast majority of these children come from home environments where there are not two loving caring parents but usually a single mother. And usually a multi generation single, welfare mom.

    After World War II we were moving in the right direction. Too slow for sure but in the right direction. The the good ole Government stepped in to take over our lives, give us free stuff, cater to the socialist ideas, etc, etc…and here we are. So sad that so many children are born into environments of government dependent, no rules of behavior. God Help Us

    1. SOME of what you said is true. However I am puzzled as to what exactly “SOCIALIST IDEAS” are. Please explain, provide facts; so, it you are correct more people will pay attention to what you say. People threw out this “socialist” verbiage but fail to explain what it is. Do you even know what socialism is?

    2. Every statement you have made here is 100%. At 47 yrs old I became a grandmother, little did I know I would be the parent !
      It’s been easier for me raising a grandchild as a single parent, then two children when I was younger though. As we become more more established, home paid, etc. we can provide or offer more to grandchildren !

      The sad part is when parents come back after 4, 5, 6 7 years later to pick up what they left behind! The child doesn’t want to be around them, home rules are different, God is not a part of the parent home, the values of some parents today are just not there ! They do not study with kids, they don’t take out time to take them to parks, do crafts, or READ anything even from the Bible ! God is not even a part of their home!
      The Blessed part is my girl, always asks – Mom why don’t they go to church, why don’t they pray before they eat, always why when it regards anything with God !
      Instead Television, radio, video games, and out in a yard where there is NO SUPERVISION, and they have no clue of the names of the kids they are playing with !
      It started 60 years ago with Steven Engle and ended up with
      Madelyn Murray O’Hara

      Short – I agree with you! I would hope and pray more people see where OUR FUTURE leaders are headed….and open their eyes !
      Thank you for the reassurance of God, Prayer and our strong beliefs …..

      1. We live in a relatively “free” nation where people are “free” to practice their own beliefs. If, for example, my neighbor burns dog poo every morning in their back yard and prays to the big poodle in the sky; that would not hinder nor prevent me from attending the church of my choice and practicing my faith daily. We have become such a whiny, complaining and blaming society! Nobody is willing to accept personal responsibility for their failures in life; but, would rather point the finger of blame & guilt on others. We live in a nation that has sentiments of being corrupt & godless; but, that does not mean that YOU or I HAVE TO BE CORRUPT & godless! When we blame others it obscures the fact that we alone can change our life situation and we do not need anyone’s permission to do so. Where is your faith in GOD (JESUS CHRIST)? Diane, your situation is sad and the fact that you, like so many other grandparents, assume the parental duties of YOUR grandchildren is commendable. The truth is, you would not have had to if your children would have made better life decisions. Part of the Christian Faith is SPEAKING THE TRUTH. We are “in the world but not part of the world”. We are in the world but the “world without God” does not have to be in us nor a part of our lives. Our hope is in God and not government! There is always hope for those who hope in GOD (JESUS CHRIST).

  2. This is absolutely unacceptable. I am 63 yrs. old, and we would never have even thought of striking any adult when I was younger. My children (30-45 yrs. old) would not have done this. There is this thing called discipline and respect that parents should be teaching their children. Our public-school systems aren’t perfect, but they are a benefit to the children attending. If you haven’t taught your children self-discipline and respect, or they cannot control themselves keep them at home, home school your own precious angels.

    And no, most probably don’t suffer from ADD, Autism, or any of the other diagnosis parents are pinning on their children with doctors backing them up and doping them up to keep them in line.

    What has happened to parenthood?

    1. Agree, but the schools also need to stop trying to diagnosis every child who doesn’t just sit there like a robot.
      Some parents are often misguided by this if they don’t know how to fight it.

    2. You got that right! If we got in trouble in school , we got our butts busted when we got home!

    3. You can’t just blame the parents. The world your 30-45 year old children grew up in and the world kids today are growing up in are not even comparable anymore. Kids today are exposed to so much though social media, music, school. When your kids grew up technology was just coming around so kids played outside and had to use a house phone to talk to their friends.

      1. @ “disagree with grandparent”, good post! Let me add … intelligent people wait to get both sides to the story, the rest of the story, if you may. It is never acceptable for a young person to physically attack anyone, including teachers and administrators. Did you also know that it is never acceptable for teachers or administrators to physically attack or “touch” a student. Not in these turbulent troubled times in which we live! I believe that is why our tax dollars go toward providing a “school resource officer”. Teachers should call the students parents, call the resource officer and administrators to remove a disruptive student; but, never inject themselves personally in the situation. Emotions run high with both student and teacher feeling disrespected and they both sometime react irrationally.

      2. So if you can’t blame the parents then whose fault is it? I have teenagers and if they make bad decisions it’s because I didn’t teach them better. And the world the kids are exposed to now is even more reason for parents to be involved now more than they were 35-40 years ago. We can’t blame social media and the internet for the poor behavior of children; that falls squarely on the shoulders of the parents who allowed them to be consumed by that filth. Now, more than ever before, kids need highly engaged parents to keep them pointed in the right direction and away from all of the filth and debauchery that is becoming commonplace and socially accepted. Involved parents and church…that’s what kids need.

        1. Children (teenagers) make bad decisions because they are primarily inexperienced and immature regarding life. It is not always because parents didn’t teach them any better. That is a big ASSUMPTION on your part. Children make poor choices even when given proper guidance and instructions. Part of the duty of parents is to teach, train and use even their children’s mistakes as a “teachable moment”. Children are still learning. Let us not assume that when children go off the rails and make bad decisions it is because the parents are ignorant, lazy, on welfare and never pray to God. No matter how corrupt society is, society cannot corrupt our children unless the TV is turned on or parents allow their children to log countless hours on social media. It does not take a village to raise a child; JUST A CONCERNED PARENT OR PARENTS! Challenging times require COURAGE!

        2. The problem is that there are too many parents who do not teach their children right from wrong and too many instances where there is a parent missing. This is a boiling of the “let the school deal with it” mentality. The parents (or lack thereof) if the fault of this. Nothing else.

        3. To do what you are asking requires two parents and enough income with flexibility and knowledge of the dangers to dedicate the time nurturing, educating while protecting the children from predators and predatory practices. I don’t really know anyone that has this as a parent. Do you?

          Social media is a great example, its not only a massive trap for children, but also parents. Kids watch and emulate everything the parents do or don’t do. So why is social media used or allowed to be used at all, in any form, by an organization or enterprise when the bad outweighs any good?

  3. What is happening in our schools and why? The parents to all students should be involved as much as they can. This type of help goes a long way for the students. The reason it is happening is because the parents are not making their child responsible for bad behavior. Someone for the sake of this child must intervene and give him the help he needs. So sad to see our teachers being assaulted and verbally abused. Good teachers are so hard to find and now these days, Teachers are hard to find! Praying for the administrator.

  4. This breaks my heart. Praying that the administrators involved are okay. It seems that today, teachers/educators are finding themselves not only teaching the required curriculum BUT also having to be counselors, police halls, monitors, bookkeepers, nurses & more.
    I hope this student is able to receive the proper treatment/help he or she needs to become a good citizen.

    1. Seriously, this is your true solution? I am so glad you don’t work in the school system.

    2. Usually the parents do not care or they would control them at home. Most of the time teachers and aides are just babysitting. They need to put punishment back into the district. In the my school years you got licks at school
      And when you got home you parents gave you some more. And we had respect for older adults too. With yes sir or yes mam

      1. I agree. Timeout is worthless. It doesn’t work. Kids today are out of control. Parents today use the internet as a babysitter. Parents start doing your job. It’s not easy but is worth the time and effort.

      2. Respect: I concur!!! If I had even talked back to an adult in charge and had the bad luck for my parents to find out, I knew what to expect when I got home. In fact, there would be no ‘when you get home’.. my parents would be called and I was to be picked up. This lack of self control exhibited, proves, this 12 year old does not and should not be in society where he may hurt someone again!! And yes!! If parents don’t discipline at home, I’m pretty sure there is somewhere for them. Utilize it!!!

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