The Brenham City Council will seek to choose a contractor to lead the construction of a new fire station when it meets Thursday.
The city received nine proposals for the project to build the station, which will be located at James Nutt Boulevard and Handley Street.
According to the agenda packet for the meeting, the highest-scoring proposal came from Collier Construction. The listed cost would be no more than $6,197,085, which would be funded by certificates of obligation the city issued in June 2023.
Collier Construction’s previous projects for the city include modernizing the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, building the Brenham Pet Adoption Center and completing the Crossover Nature Trail at Hohlt Park.
The facility is planned to be approximately 10,000 square feet in size and have three apparatus bays, living quarters for six personnel, an exercise room, training classroom and associated support spaces.
Also on Thursday, councilmembers will vote on a resolution authorizing the acceptance of public infrastructure improvements in the 50-acre Brenham Market Square development. Completed civil construction includes the creation of commercial lots, two public streets – Nolan Street and Ryan Street – and associated utility improvements, a regional detention and drainage system with three ponds, public storm sewer, and sidewalks. The improvements are valued at approximately $868,200.
The council will also perform the second reading of an ordinance calling a special charter amendment election on May 3rd. At the council’s previous meeting, members requested adding a 12th proposition that would open up the residency requirement for the city manager, allowing them to live in the county instead of just inside city limits.
In other business, the council will:
- Consider a resolution for a variance to allow the replacement of a changeable electronic variable message sign for the Washington County Expo Center.
- Appoint nine members to serve on the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board of Directors for a period of two years, as well as a board member to serve as chairman for one year.
- Hear a presentation and hold discussion on the Tax Phase-in Compliance Review Committee.
- Hold executive session discussion on several topics, including: legal matters and the possible acquisition of real property related to the TxDOT Highway 290/Highway 36 interchange project; Brenham Police Department operations, personnel and associated matters; a demand letter received by the City of Brenham; and matters pertaining to Randall Patterson v. City of Brenham, Cause No. 38495, 335th Judicial District Court and potentially retaining litigation counsel.
The council will meet Thursday at 1 p.m. at Brenham City Hall.
Click here to view the agenda packet for Thursday's meeting.
Yet we can’t build a new junior high. Where the ceiling have black mold, the walls are falling in?
We don’t need it , stop spending money that’s not needed
the station should have a place where people could rent for small celebrations I bet it would always be booked full and also good for fund raisers
So, you want the city, a public entity, to compete with the private sector? I’m not sure having a banquet hall in a fire station is really an appropriate. I get it you are associating the training center but really? Where in the world does this actually happen. They guys in the fire station need to not have people in their way when you know they are trying to go save some lives.
the present fire station has or did have a large room not a banquet hall that people used for such a thing because back when the band had twirlers (which I don’t know why they stopped having them) had there drive thru fund raisers there and people had birthday parties and baby showers and other small gatherings and no one was in any fireman’s way so get your facts together before you try to dis someone or their thoughts
Wonder what Mr. Randell Patterson wants now?