The City of Brenham has given written notice to the Washington County Chamber of Commerce of their intention to cancel the Convention and Visitors Bureau contract between the City and the Chamber.

The letter was sent out July 2nd from Brenham City Manager James Fisher.  Fisher explains that the city has decided to have city staff handle the duties of convention and tourism services.



Fisher goes on to say that “current employees in convention and tourism services will be offered similar positions with the city at the same approximate pay rate, plus city benefits (including insurance and retirement).

Fisher says the City will make a payment to the Chamber for services rendered, and that they are committed to continuing their relationship with the Chamber.

Randy Wells, Chairman of the Board of the Washington County Chamber, says he is optimistic about the future of the Chamber’s relationship with Brenham.



Wells also says they “will continue to find ways to work with the City to help make Brenham and Washington County one of the best tourism destinations in the state.”

Chamber President Page Michel says, the Washington County Chamber is proud of its long history of promoting tourism in the area.



As for the agreement with the Convention and Visitors Bureau – that contract will end, effective September 30th of this year.

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One Comment

  1. As a tax paying citizen, I find it hard to trust that local government will manage these services better than the Chamber which is managed by a board made up of business leaders and community members. This seems like a bit of a power grab by the city.

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