The Brenham Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will meet Wednesday, the first time it has met since before Washington County reported its first COVID-19 case.

At this week’s meeting, the board’s first since February, board members will act upon Fiscal Year 2020-21 funding from the Brenham Community Development Corporation (BCDC) for various parks and recreation projects.

Among the proposed Tier One—or priority—funding requests are the replacement of the roof, repainting of steel beams, addition of a handicap lift and replastering of the competition pool at the Blue Bell Aquatic Center.  Tier One requests also include the second phase of amenities at the splashpad at Henderson Park, adding covered basketball courts at Jackson Street Park, and various renovations and improvements at Jerry Wilson Park, Fireman’s Park, and the Blinn softball field.  The total Tier One budget request is $1,004,500.

The second tier of funding requests, which are deemed important but not mandatory, includes the first phase of sweeping improvements at Jackson Street Park, comprised of the addition of several small playscape areas, widening of the existing concrete trail, better lighting, and upgraded restrooms.  There are also requests to repaint the iron bridges at Henderson and Hohlt Park and resurface the parking lot at Linda Anderson Park.  The Tier Two budget request totals $1,231,700.

The BCDC board will meet with the Brenham City Council June 18th to discuss these requests.

The board will also hear several staff updates and receive a presentation on the Little Free Library program, which, according to Community Services Specialist Crystal Locke, is a non-profit international organization that “promotes community, creativity and reading with individual yard libraries on public and private spaces”.

The board will meet Wednesday at noon, at Brenham City Hall.

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  1. T.W.–thank you for the information on the tax that was voted in many years ago. I agree that we should re-examine the percentages. It almost seems shameful, that during these trying times, that we would even consider spending this amount of money on parks. What might have been a good idea years ago, does not make it a good idea today.

  2. I think everyone is missing the point here!! Instead of wondering when the parks will open, we should be worried about the massive amount of money they want to spend on them. We are in the midst of a crisis. The pandemic has affected the financial stability of many citizens and this city. I think that asking for $2 million to upgrade the parks, is Totally Ridiculous at this time. The city’s financial situation has taken a hit from the shut-down.. It seems to me that we need to watch our expenditures closely. There is, and will be, many more important issues that will need to be addressed regarding how our money should be spent. Mr. Fisher has previously stated (according to the Banner Press) that we were going to have to watch our spending. If we are so well off that we can afford this massive amount for renovations, then I will not expect ANY tax hikes for a long time. Lets think rationally—– renovation of parks should not be a priority. We are spending enough money now, just to keep up the maintenance. AND don’t forget, Brenham is way above the state and national median on the amount of acres of parks per capita. Under the current conditions, the P&R Board needs to rethink this Ludacris request.

    1. There is one point that many people are not aware of, or may have forgotten over the years. Many years ago voters approved an additional city tax to support parks and recreation and economic development. I believe the percentages are 65% for parks and 35% for economic development. That split is the reason so much money is going to the parks….the City has no choice. That tax money cannot be used for anything else. Perhaps it’s time to look into how that percentage can be changed. When it was set, that was the only way people would vote for it.

  3. Open it all up.
    It is as if the City is being controlled by people with their own agenda, not the agenda of the majority of tax payers.

  4. I agree with Bret. All these parks and offices have been closed all these weeks and you didn’t make the renovations during that time. You continue to get paid with our tax dollars that fund your salaries. Our taxes pays for the parks and we don’t get to even enjoy them. What you’re going to do is make everyone so mad they will just go to the parks and disregard any notices. You should have been proactive and not reactive. OPEN UP ALREADY AND QUIT THINKING OF NEW WAYS TO SPEND THE MONEY.

  5. Open the city park, city hall, and the library…..its getting rediculous..if local business owners are operating then city hall needs to be operating..I came there today and they said i couldnt enter until 11 due to covid 19…..thats rediculous! The police are open, the court is open, but not City Hall.too much…If this is how we cut payroll to meet budget demands then quit spending our money on unecessarry things…..and open up city services like the library…..i think some of the city staff thinks they have created a little political fiefdom over there and you dont wanta be bothered with taxpayers…..go to work please and stop waisting our money…..the employees over there should come before uneccessarry projects…open the library so our kids can read…….:(

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